(Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. The most distinguished of his sons was Giovanni Gaetano (died 1280): elected pope as Nicholas III, he named his nephew Bertoldo (d. 1289) as count of Romagna, and had two nephews and a brother created cardinals. Count / Graf Antonio Vicardo Colloredo Mels. (Duke of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF MILANO DARAGONA (Duke and Count of The Holy Roman Empire), MONTECUCCOLI DEGLI ERRI The Orsini Palace in Rome, including the Theatre of Marcellus. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about our next ride. For most peopleZion is the name for Jerusalemas well as for the nation of Israel (Isis-Ra-El). FIDES, the Catholic faith, holding the golden cup of the Mass, portrayed by Lorenzo Sabbatini and his assistants from 1573 -1576 on the vault of the First Sala dei Foconi, the Vatican. The dragon and Rome worked with the same mind toward the same goal. Herzog von Swabia, Herzog von Saxe-Altenburg, Count / Graf Charles Daniel II Johnson di Santa Croce . Prince Amedeo of Savoy, 5th Duke of Aosta . Princess di Santa Croce, Princess del Monte Titano , (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), BRAGADIN He married to Clarice Ruffo, daughter of the counts of Catanzaro, forming an alliance of the most powerful Calabrian dynasty. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF PALLAVICINI In 1850, he was Minister of War and General Lieutenant of the Papal Armies, and also Senator of Rome. H.E. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm. The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola in Italy and this is the basis for the US Pentagon. Five popes are descended from him: Stephen II, Paul I, Celestine III, Nicholas III and Benedict XIII. orsini family runs the worldalexandra gardiner goelet. Duke and Prince of Lombardy , Antonio Zorzi Giustiniani. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. His son Romano (12681327), called Romanello, was Royal Vicar of Rome in 1326, and inherited the countship of Soana through his marriage with Anastasia de Montfort, Countess of Nola. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Prince Ralph of Etruria, Count Wetter-Tegerfelden , Patrician of Naples , Bertoldo's son, Gentile II (12501318), was two times Senator of Rome, podest of Viterbo and, from 1314, Gran Giustiziere ("Great Justicer") of the Kingdom of Naples. (Prince Elector of The Holy Roman Empire), KINGDOM OF ITALY / LOMBARDY Princess Alicia Gabriela of Westphalia, His brother Alessandro was cardinal and Papal legate, and another brother, Ferdinando (died March 4, 1660) acquired the assets of the other line of San Gemini. on the vault of the First Sala dei Foconi, the Vatican. Part of the Imperial Patrimony of the Emperor. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), STANCHINA The first members had in fact always doubled surname of Boboni-Orsini. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. One of the first great nepotist popes, he made two of his nephews cardinals and allowed his cousin Giovanni Gaetano (Giangaetano, died 1232) to buy the fiefs of Vicovaro, Licenza, Roccagiovine and Nettuno, which formed the nucleus of the future territorial power of the family. Countess of The Holy Roman Empire , The family produced three popes, about thirty . (Countess and Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), MARGRAVIATE OF TUSCANY Count / Graf Pieralvise di Serego Alighieri. The House of Orsini is an Italian noble family that was one of the most influential princely families in medieval Italy and Renaissance Rome.Members of the Orsini family include five popes: Stephen II (752-757), Paul I (757-767), Celestine III (1191-1198), Nicholas III (1277-1280), and Benedict XIII (1724-1730). The fourth duke, Francesco, was part of a conspiracy along with his brothers Giulio and Paolo against Cesare Borgia but were found out, and Francesco was strangled to death on 18 January 1503 along with his brother Paolo. Giannantonio was awarded with the duchy of Bari, the position of Great Connestable and an appanage of 100,000 ducati. Countess del Monte Titano , Countess and Baroness Johnson Thanks to the strategic positions of their fiefs, and to their famous castle built in Bracciano in 1426, they were the most powerful Orsini line in the Lazio. Herod the Great conquered Jerusalem with the aid of Roman armies and made himself king. H.E. Count / Graf Charles Daniel II Johnson di Santa Croce , Giangiorgio Barbasetti di Prun. Baron / Freiherr von dem Cherso . According to their family lore, the Orsini are descended from theJulio-Claudian familyof ancient Rome. He was born into the noble Orsini family in Rome, though he was only a cardinal deacon before becoming Pope. Count / Graf Don Francisco Acedo Fernndez Pereira . During his life, the family was firmly in the Guelph faction. Baron / Freiherr von dem Cherso . Count / Graf Giovanni di Collalto. However, at his death in 1406 the southern Orsini fiefs were confiscated. H.S.H. H.S.H. Prince Vittoria Emanuele of Savoy, Prince of Naples . H.S.H. The Orsini family is an Italian noble family; it was one of the most influential princely families in medieval Italy and renaissance Rome. Baron / Freiherr Giuseppe Guidobono Cavalchini Garofoli. During his life the family entered firmly in the Guelph party. What does that tell you? Giannantonio was awarded with the duchy of Bari, the position of Great Connestable and an appanage of 100,000 ducati. (Marquess of The Holy Roman Empire), KINGDOM OF ETRURIA IN THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Count / Graf Ettore Valvasone. Herod the Great, the King of Judea and Palestine was the agent Satan used in his attempt to kill the infant Jesus. Matteo Rosso, called the Great, was the effective lord of Rome from 1241, when he defeated the Imperial troops to 1243, holding the title of Senator. Verse 4 is referring to the birth of Jesus, and Satans attempt to kill the infant Jesus. He obtained the city of Manoppello, later a countship, and was Papal gonfaloniere. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), BARBIANNO DI BELGIOIOSO DESTE They were often involved in the baronal struggles of the Late Middle Ages Rome, at least three members of the family being elected as Senators, while others foughts as condottieri. The Spanish control the Vatican through the Jesuits. +44 20 7581 5553. Prince / Furst Don Agostino Chigi Albani Della Rovere. Baron / Freiherr Carlos Taxis Bordogna Valnigra. The band announced that Orsini died on Tuesday. relates to secret societies like the , The Priory of Sion is a secret society created around the, As for the sun-cult adepts, hills symbolize the way to get closer to their. Revelation 12 clearly tells us thatthe dragon is symbolic of Satan, so why did a pope use it as his symbol? Notice how their name overlaps with 'Jesuit', summing to 84 / 78 / 42. H.R.H. Count / Furst Carlo Castelbarco Albani Visconti Simonetta. Count of Domin , Count of Bergamin , Ugo Vittorio. Mat 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. . H.E. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire). For this and other homicides he had to flee to northern Italy. Duchess / Herzogin of Florence , classic cars for sale in michigan under $5,000. He is the most powerful man on Earth, who rules over Maritime Laws (business) . (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF ALONZO DI ANCONA The inscription on the reverse side of the coin reads in Italian CITT DEL VATICANO, which as we can now see, means City of Prophecy. Two of them, Napoleone and Matteo Rosso the Great (1178-1246) increased considerably the prestige of the family. (The Royal House of Johnson,*Senior Line) The House of Orsini is an Italian noble family that was one of the most influential princely families in medieval Italy and Renaissance Rome. H.S.H. The line became extinct in 1640 with the death of Alessandro. Mar 4, 2015. Princess Marianne of Etruria, Orsini Family, one of the oldest, most illustrious, and for centuries most powerful of the Roman princely families. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. (Countess and Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), H.E. In the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to Rome from Avignon (France), the present-day Vatican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of Rome that had become the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. By his marriage with a Francesca Orsini of Monterotondo was born Gentile Virginio Orsini, one of the most relevant figures of Italian politics in the late 15th century. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY OF NAPLES Prince Rutherford of Etruria , You will never read any article about her, she is aNephilimhybrid; a great granddaughter of Lucifer himself, and she is the Mother of the Anti-Christ, and the queen,the Pindar, and others are all afraid of her. Roberto (12951345), Gentile II's grandson, married Sibilla del Balzo, daughter of the Great Senechal of the Kingdom of Naples. Countess / Graefin Donna Matilde Antonia Fernndez del Amo Piero Alessandro Franchini Stappo. Proudly powered by WordPress. From the 16th century it became regular for an Orsini to hold the office of prince assistant to the pontifical throne. Reverts back to the Imperial Crown. The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful - visible - bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillions . Shortly after starting the Standard Oil Company in 1870, John D. Rockefeller became the world's first billionaire. Count / Graf Luciano Pavarotti di Modena It descends from Francesco (died 1456), a son of Count Carlo of Bracciano. (Countess and Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), H.E. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), PAVAROTTI H.I.&.R.H. Duchess of Filottrano and of Monte Conero , Lady / Frau Lucrecia Cozzarelli. (Count and Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), H.E. There is also a woman on the reverse side, and at her feet is her title, FIDES, which means faith. H.S.H. Orso (died July 24, 1424) died fighting for the king of Naples in the Battle of Zagonara against the Milanese. Above is a papal medal minted by Pius XI in 1929 to commemorate both the Lateran Treaty, which restored Papal sovereignty and made Vatican City an independent state, and the 50th jubilee of his priesthood. The former was the founder of the first southern line, which died out with Camillo Pardo in 1553. Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal , New Black Pope Installed with a ranking 6 levels above Pope Francis! If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon.https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20Orsini family=======Image-Copyrigh. Two of them, Napoleone and Matteo Rosso the Great (11781246), considerably increased the prestige of the family. Matteo ousted the family's traditional rivals, the Colonna family, from Rome and extended the Orsini territories southwards down to Avellino and northwards to Pitigliano. Immaculate Conception room of the Borgia Tower, the Vatican. (Prince and Count of The Holy Roman Empire), RAGGI His sons Giacomo (died 1482) and Lorenzo (1452) battled for the Papal States, Naples and Florence. The most powerful man in this grand conspiracy suppressing the people of our planet, is the Grey Pope named PEPE ORSINI, who is a descendant of the powerful ancient Roman Papal Bloodline family Maximus. Four best friends living in Harlem strive for world domination. Antonio Raggi. This is one of the more secretive families of the Illuminati bloodline. Paolo Giordano was created first Duke of Bracciano in 1560. H.E. Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. His successor raised Benedict XIIIs nephew, Prince Beroaldo Orsini, to the dignity of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne (title held until 1958), after the emperor Charles VI had already, in 1724, made him a prince of the Holy Roman Empire. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: The Catholic faith is again represented in these paintings as a woman holding a golden cup of wine with the round wafer of the Eucharist. Rev 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 14th Marquis of Tortora, 11th Marquis of Ruggiano, However, the Orsini changed side when Alfonso V of Aragon started his conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. Count / Graf and Knight / Ritter of the Holy Roman Empire . (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), GRAMATICA Although nearly identical in description, it is not Satan, because verse 2 says this beast power gets his power from the dragon a clear reference to Satan. This first known members is one Bobone, in the early 11th century, father of Pietro, in turn father of Giacinto dei Boboni (1110-1198), who in 1191 became pope as Celestine III. After his death, his two sons divided his fiefs, forming the Pitigliano and the second southern line. It is significant to note that Herod received his office from the Roman Empire. Prince / Furst Don Mario Pignatelli Aragona Cortes. H.S.H. Princess / Furstin Donna Alyssandria Alonzo di Ancona , (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Later, the attempt of Alessandro (died February 9, 1604) to obtain the title of Monterotondo was thwarted by Pope Gregory XIII. (Count and Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF MELI LUPI Notable buildings Later he passed to the service of Ferdinand I of Naples, but, having not took part to the Barons conjure, was rewarded with the fiefs of Ascoli and Atripalda. TheseEgyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulersare in Full Control of the. H.Ill.H. 13th Duke of San Donato, 12th Duke of Grottolelle, He had some ten sons, who divided the fiefs after his deaths: Gentile (died 1246) originated the Pitigliano line and the second southern line, Rinaldo that of Monterotondo, Napoleone (died 1267) that of Bracciano, and another Matteo Rosso that of Montegiordano, from the name of the district in Rome housing the family's fortress. Le grandi famiglie di Roma. Bette was part of a water skiing marathon trip that went from St. Petersburg to New York in 1964. . Together with his cousin, the Cardinal Giovanni Battista, he was among the fiercest opposers of popes Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Later, the attempt of Alessandro (died February 9, 1604) to obtain the title of Monterotondo was thwarted by Pope Gregory XIII. According to their own family legend, the Orsini are descended from the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome. (Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), di COLLALTO The most outstanding member of the Pitigliano line was Niccola, one of the major condottieri of the time. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! . 1948). Although nearly identical in description, it is not Satan, because verse 2 says this beast power gets his power from the dragon a clear reference to Satan. Ignatius LIEola became their first general. In the woods, it is described that soldiers from a rival family's soldiers attacked a fictional character in the book named Pietro while they had become lost in the woods about eight miles from Rome. (Marquis of The Holy Roman Empire), MARULLI DI SAN CESARIO By his marriage with a Francesca Orsini of Monterotondo was born Gentile Virginio Orsini, one of the most prominent figures of Italian politics in the late 15th century. H.S.H. H.M.S.H. [5] Some members used the surname of Bobone-Orsini. Duke / Herzog and Count / Graf of Friuli. Reviews (962) We perform checks on reviews. (Prince, Duke, and Count of The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY AND COUNTY OF TURIN The remaining princely family is represented by Prince Domenico Napoleone Orsini, Duke of Gravina (b. Knightsbridge. Count / Graf Marulli. The line of Gravina, from the name of the eponymous city in Apulia, is the only existing line of the Orsini. They first became important in the late 12th century with the election of Giacinto Orsini as Pope Celestine III (1191-98), whose generosity to his nephews founded the . . Hidalgo of Navarre and Castille. In 1241, as senator of Rome, Matteo Orsini (d. 1246) saved the city from capture by the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II and the Colonna. Prince Karl Friedrich of Germany , (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), BONACOSSI (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PONTOGLIO-BINO relates to secret societies like the Priore de Sion or Priory of Sion (meaning: priory of the Sun), which lost some of its secrecy because of the fact thatthe Rennes le Chateau mysterybecame so popular among certain circles. Count / Furst Castracane Degli Antelminelli. Count / Graf Federico Cristiano Attems. H.E. Francesco Milano di Frisinga. Count / Graf Montecuccoli-Laderchi. Pepe Orsini is the grey Pope working with his Black Pope in his Society Of Jesus. Monterotondo line Two of his sons, and Napoleone, were also Senators. Orso (died July 24, 1424) died fighting for the king of Naples in the Battle of Zagonara against the Milanese. There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope. H.E. Here is the list of the top 10 richest families in the world: Walton family Walmart $152 billion. Two of Ludovicos daughter married to relevant figures: Geronima to Pier Luigi Farnese, illegitimate son of Pope Paul III, and Marzia to Gian Giacomo Medici of Marignano, an important general of the Spanish army. Here is a verse from the Latin Vulgate Bible and King James as an example of the use of vatic (emphasis is mine): Et intellexi quod Deus non misisset eum sed quasi vaticinans locutus esset ad me et Tobia et Sanaballat conduxissent eum. This animosity toward the Spanish was further aggravated by the Sack of Rome in 1527 in order to prevent the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon. H.E. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), GUIDOBONO CAVALCHINI GAROFOLI (Marquess of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF ALLIATA The Missal contains the prayers said by the priest at the altar as well as all that is officially read or sung in connection with the offering of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the ecclesiastical year, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. The support and feelings you get whe. The most important member of the Monterotondo Orsinis was Giovani Battista Orsini, who became cardinal under Sixtus IV (1483). Prinz Karl Friedrich von Deutschland, He obtained the city of Manoppello, later a countship, and was gonfaloniere of the Papal States. This first known members is one Bobone, in the early 11th century, father of Pietro, in turn father of Giacinto dei Boboni (1110-1198), who in 1191 became pope as Celestine III. This is the true Worlds power system right now. Gianluigi Ravignani dePiacentini. Duke of Florence, de jure King of Etruria, H.E. Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy . For this and other homicides he had to flee to northern Italy. As we observed in Matthew, So in Rev 13:2 we can possibly substitute, Therefore the name Zionism is actually referring to the sun-cult, the Babylon cult, and f.i. Prince Keith Patrick Steinhurst of Westphalia , Both this Black Pope and the white Pope arent of Papal Bloodline, they are bothcommoners. Prince Ralph of Etruria, Countess and Baroness Tomasella . The house was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (b. February 23, 1744, Frankfurt am Maind. (Duke and Marquis of The Holy Roman Empire), SOVEREIGN DUCHY OF MODENA The first members had in fact always doubled surname of Boboni-Orsini. Their origins, when stripped of legend, can be traced back to a certain Ursus de Paro, recorded at Rome in 998. The Roman or principal line of the family, from which branched off a series of collateral lines as time went on, may be traced back into the early Middle Ages, and a legendary ancestry goes . Knight of Malta, Tom Cruise donates to the Optimum Population Trust of Manchester, England. Brought to you by the CDC, The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of, You will never read any article about her, she is a, The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati, All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their. In 1259 he was Senator of Rome. H.E. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! A younger brother of Giannantonio married one of Sergianni's daughters. The Orsini were related to the Boboni family existing in Rome in the 11th century. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! Duke di Santa Croce , Duke del Monte Titano, Baron / Freiherr Vittorio Emanuele Salvadori di Wiesenhof. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), BARBIANNO DI BELGIOIOSO The Priory of Sion is a secret society created around theMerovingian bloodline(whose ancestors [it is claimed] can be traced back tothe royals of Sumer, Troy and the Greek Gods) and related tothe Templarsas well asthe Illuminati.. Knight / Ritter Camillo Stanchina. They received the ducal title from Pius IV in 1560 and held Bracciano into the 17th century and Gravina to 1807. (Duke of The Holy Roman Empire), SCIORTINO . The Rosicrucian Order is also called the Order of the Rosy Cross. H.E. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. In 1492 Gentile Virginio bought the county of Anguillara from Franceschetto Cybo. orsini family runs the world. H.Ill.H. Prince / Furst Don Bonifazio Meli Lupi. Giannantonio remained faithful to Alfonsos heir, Ferdinand I, but was killed during a revolt of nobles. His son Ludovico (died January 27, 1534) and his nephew Enrico (died 1528) took part to the Italian Wars at the service of both France and Spain, often changing side with the typical ease of the Italian military leaders of the time. Duchess of Florence, de jure Queen of Etruria. In fact, all the companies that build computers, TVs, smart phones and household appliances - IBM, HP . After the terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI, the Romans were disgusted with the Spanish and vowed that there would never be another Spanish Pope. The family recovered this setback under the more friendly Medici popes of the early 16th century. Baron / Freiherr Giuseppe Compagnino . Don John Malcolm James Cracknell, H.E. In today's educational animated cartoon we look at the world's most wealthy and powerful families. Mars family Mars $90 billion. 0.8 miles from Hyde Park. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), SALVADORI DI WIESENHOF (Sovereign Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), di SEREGO ALIGHIERI (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), ANTONELLI (Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), TOMASELLA Herzog von Swabia, Herzog von Saxe-Altenburg, The Orsini are also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family. Napoleone, another son of Matteo Rosso the Great, received Bracciano, Nerola and other lands in what is now northern Lazio. (Count and Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), H.E. Romanov. This line was initiated by Guido Orsini, second son of Romano, who inherited the county of Soana. Apart from the Bracciano castle, other notable buildings and structures associated with the Orsini include: The Orsini family was briefly mentioned in Boccaccio's book The Decameron in the 5th day, 3rd story. At the height of their influence, in the late Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, the Orsini were crucial players in Italian politics; they were closely allied to the Medici, with whom they were tied by several high-level marriages. Furthermore, a castle named Campo de' Fiori, was included in the text. vodafone zuhause festnetzflat; senior project manager salary munich Kingdom of Westphalia, Prince Electorship of Westphalia Ive named the most powerful families on the planet. In the 1994 World Cup, Orsini . 0. The fourth duke, Francesco, was strangled by Cesare Borgia in 1503. de jure Prince of Tournai , The current head is Domenico Napoleone Orsini, a name summing to 119, like 'Vatican'. They first became important in the late 12th century with the election of Giacinto Orsini as Pope Celestine III (119198), whose generosity to his nephews founded the territorial fortunes of the family. The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family. His son Virginio was a famous admiral for the Papal States and France, but in 1539 he had his fiefs confiscated under the charge of treason. He and his descendants ruled over the fiefs of Soana, Pitigliano and Nola, but in the early 15th century wars against the Republic of Siena and the Colonnas caused to lost of several territories. Count / Graf Alessandro Pontoglio-Bino. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF CARAFA DELLA SPINA (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), COZZARELLI Count / Graf Nelson Keith Steinhurst von der Steinhorst . Count / Graf Antonia Clemente Alberti di Poja . Prince / Furst Barbianno di Belgioioso DEste . (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Duchess di Santa Croce , Duchess del Monte Titano, (nee: H.E. Francesco in 1370 took part to the war of Florence against the Visconti of Milan. DANTONINICH / BARONY VON DEM CHERSO H.E. Romanos stance was markedly Guelph. Relationships with the royal family remained cold under Joan II; However, when Raimondello's son Giannantonio (13861453) sent his troops to help her against the usurpation attempt of James of Bourbon, he received in exchange the Principality of Taranto. In the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to Rome from Avignon (France), the present-day Vatican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of Rome that had become the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. Count / Graf Francesco Pecori Giraldi. H.E. (The Royal House of Johnson,*Senior Line) . While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The last cardinal from the family was Domenico. (Countess of The Holy Roman Empire), DI GERASA One of Francesco's nephews, Flavio Orsini, was created cardinal in 1565. This, along with a general economical decadence, damaged the dukedom, and last Duke and Prince, Flavio (March 4, 1620 April 5, 1698) was forced by the huge debts to sell it to Livio Odescalchi. (Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Koch family Koch Industries $99 billion. On the left is a strikingly similar Roman Denarius, with FIDES holding military standards, a common theme on coins from ancient Rome, depicting a military faithful to the reigning emperor.
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