(425) Of other common types of condenser, we may notice the spiral or worm type, which consists of a glass, copper or tin worm enclosed in a vessel in which water circulates; and the ball condenser, which consists of two concentric spheres, the vapour passing through the inner sphere and water circulating in the space between this and the outer (in another form the vapour circulates in a shell, on the outside and inside of which water circulates). an area of activity, expertise, or interest, Although she was not in his sphere of command, she still respected him as a leader. On this page we are showing correct ways to write : . 5) The pond has a diameter of 2 hundred meters. use spheres and diameter in a sentence. (241) To climb higher than the sphery chime means to ascend beyond the spheres into the empyrean or true heaventhe abode of God and the purest Spirits. (222) The researchers infected animals with a set number of viruses that were either released on their own or packaged into the stealth spheres. Apple maggot Traps, apple sized red spheres coated with a sticky substance 2. he earned 18. did he make money are lose money this week? 0. (411) They were, on the other hand, probably acquainted, a couple of millenniums before Meton gave it his name, with the nineteen-year cycle, by which solar and lunar years were harmonized; 1 they immemorially made observations in the meridian; regulated time by water-clocks, and used measuring instruments of the nature of armillary spheres and quadrants. use spheres and diameter in a sentence. (452) How to use "spheres" in a sentence. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. 3) Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter. 16.teacher: what's the relationship between the radius and the Diameter of the same circle? (147) The jury box is set off by a walnut rail and descending baubles, round spheres of beautifully grained wood. 38.the average grain Diameter and cumulative relative curve of red sandstone are obtained by the grain size analysis. (12) She has a good reputation in scientific spheres. 2- Assume that both spheres undergo simple harmonic motion 48. , Feeling a bit out of place, the newcomer missed her sphere of friends more than ever. (25) we need to reunite the economic and the political spheres, (26) as it explores three different visually identical spheres. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. 25.but only a Diameter of less than half a millimeter of fiber optic cable to be made of thick copper wire cable than carry more information. True, there are still words that you dont know. (419) In this duel the victory of Austria was soon declared, The Prussian government believed that the effective government of Germany could only be secured by a separate understanding between the two great powers; and the indiscretion of the Prussian plenipotentiary revealed to the diet a plan for what meant practically the division of Germany into Prussian and Austrian spheres of influence. of Spheres Underline the correct word to complete each sentence. (418) The greater puzzle of universal wisdom and beauty that we have strived to honor through our work includes the profound legacies of world artistic and spiritual traditions, the innate integrity of human communities where people seek to live in social harmony, and that regenerative stream of life sustained upon the earth itself as it spins through the cosmos to the music of the spheres. (121) These heavenly spheres, eternally revolving, produce harmonious sounds only the truly inspired can hear. Menu and widgets The catastrophic fire destroyed nearly every home in our neighborhood. (406) When the solution ceases to be dilute in the thermodynamic sense of the word, that is, when the spheres of influence of the solute particles intersect each other, this reasoning ceases to apply, and the resulting modification of the gas laws as applied to solutions becomes a matter for further investigation, theoretical or experimental. (439) "spheres" in a sentence (esp. (59) Tessellation of simple surfaces such as spheres andcylinders is not difficult. (422) The supreme end prescribed by reason in its practical aspect, namely, the complete subordination of the empirical side of nature to the prescripts of morality, demands, as conditions of its possible realization, the permanence of ethical progress in the moral agent, the certainty of freedom in self-determination, and the necessary harmonizing of the spheres of sense and reason through the intelligent author or ground of both. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. 17.an experiment investigation on flow resistance of inertial separation of small Diameter water drops; 19.the number and type of gaskets is identical to that of the b-200 motor, except being of a lesser Diameter. Geometrically, a sphere is defined as the set of all points equidistant from a single point in . (278) The thyroid gland of grey mullet is a specific secretory gland and composed of follicles, i. e. monolayer spheres of thyroid epithelial cells without cillium. (69) as something that is primarily located in the national and international spheres. Reproductive work will have impacts on both the public and private spheres. The free dictionary by TranslateEN.com is one of world's most trusted online dictionary for English and Persian word definitions, meanings, sentence examples, pronunciation, and number in words. But our world is actually three-dimensional, so lets have a look at some 3D solids that are based on circles: A cylinder consists of two congruent, parallel circles joined by a curved surface. 28.where: pitch and Diameter are in inches. (155) The inner planets, the closest to the Sun, are solid spheres of rock and include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Sentences are everywhere. And everything in this universe has a place. The contrast between these different spheres of life and death will illuminate much more than individual biography. Spheres And Diameter sentence. Indeed, the role of women is a focus in this book, and the author challenges the received wisdom of 'separate spheres'. (333) Now, it's often said that science cannot give us a foundation for morality and human values, because science deals with facts, and facts and values seem to belong to different spheres. (254) She reminded me of the characters that populate Hardy's novels, whose spheres of experience are entirely contained within the radius of work and home. 16- There was political competition for spheres of influence. 2. The struggle over conscription also reveals a conflict over the definition and defence of public and private spheres. 113. Each one has 92, They want to jump over to those positively charged copper, More often than not, these are regarded as separate, These elements shifted around a nested set of solid crystalline, It occurs as bright blue, radiating sprays or, Self-reliance was also promoted in other economic, Now global dimensions could be set, with authority, by the celestial, our journey starts in space, where matter condenses into, Why draw arbitrary lines of distinction and value in different, The line will sweep through a plane, and the circles will sweep through, as something that is primarily located in the national and international, Sometimes transitioning is at different levels between different, First, Johannes Kepler pointed out that orbits aren't perfect circles or, Sones upends the pycnogonid toreveal a cluster of tiny, He believes the drive for approval motivates both, In fact, we can have long, great lives when we balance the fice, 2Sones upends the pycnogonid toreveal a cluster of tiny, Then I had video projectors that were projecting intermittently onto the, So these quanta of light aren't at all like the tiny, hard, We will certainly be looking at every possibility of making it reach into new, THE job of the professional astrophysicist is to contemplate the music of the, In fact, we can have long , great lives when we balance the fice, The gulf between his differing cricketing, He goes on to consider solid geometry giving results on prisms , cylinders, and. (7) this was truly the music of the spheres. (401) The areas of intervening cortex, arriving at structural completion later than the above sense-spheres, are called by some association-spheres, to indicate the view that they contain the neural mechanisms of reactions (some have said ideas ) associated with the sense perceptions elaborated in the several sensese spheres. (426) What is the modern definition of "spheres"? (361) Hippolytus's voluminous writings, which for variety of subject can be compared with those of Origen, embrace the spheres of exegesis, homiletics, apologetics and polemic, chronography and ecclesiastical law. pepe le pew you set my soul on fire / ihp fitness membership cost / ihp fitness membership cost (139) This concept of vicegerency is what distinguishes Islam from other systems of thought in all spheres of life. (136) The jury box is set off by a walnut rail and descending baubles, round spheres of beautifully grained wood. The area near the surface of the earth can be divided into four interconnected spheres: lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. (206) Your country can be a footstool for God, if he finds people in all spheres of life who will prepare their bodies for the Great King. 20 examples of simple sentences of spheresWe tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of spheres Compound Sentences with spheres Complex Sentences with spheresCompound-Complex Sentences with spheres in a sentence. The data indicate that the spread in the match spheres is different from that for the test spheres. (44) The axis of a circle is its diameter. Shallan's comment about spheres being slightly larger than a person's thumb nail suggests . . This site is using cookies under cookie policy . (116) Carbon particles positioned among the spheres could be adjusted to be sensitive to addled materials. (292) Jains successfully sustained this ancient religion to this era and have significantly influenced and contributed to ethical political and economic spheres in India. 32.the result gave the optimal filter particle Diameter, layer thickness and filtration velocity. Men and women had different spheres of power in the household economy, which were determined by the changing roles they played in production.%! (10) The blobs are stretchy spheres with two eyes. It may be the world's largest cube. (271) Walter Cronkite held a tiny model of the Apollo 8 spacecraft and strode across a darkened studio where two dangling spheres represented Earth and the moon. sphere See Also use spheres and diameter in a sentencechristopher lee height, weight. And we feed those positively charged spheres negatively charged electrons by adding formaldehyde to the mix. Let's calculate this again without using the molecules-on-a-grid approach. (42) The cell contains two types of silicon spheres about as big as buckshot. The distance between the thumb's fingertip and its first joint is about an inch (or 25.4mm), with the nail being roughly half of that, so a nail size of about 12mm is reasonable. (46) These elements shifted around a nested set of solid crystalline spheres. A simple sentence with "spheres"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. . from Vox: The final case described by Asakur (84) THE job of the professional astrophysicist is to contemplate the music of the spheres. , As a part of the popular group at school, the teens sphere of influence reached many of the other students. (157) In the study of the classics, as in other spheres, it was revolution rather than evolution that was loudly demanded. Darwinian evolution might have provided the elusive bond between the natural and humane spheres. lukaszpp 1455348 I have never seen a giraffe.CK 395208 Giraffes have very long necks. 27- Jensens views became widely known in many spheres . (159) And then this is the first part of -- this is 109 spheres, since the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. To reiterate, the four "levels" under discussion - societal/community, familial, professional, and personal - comprise interrelated spheres of influence. (319) It is not an exercise in cultural studies; instead it is just what it claims to be: a guide to the rocky, gassy , icy spheres of all those classroom wall charts and Nasa photographs. From the Cambridge English Corpus The popular astrologers claim that the forms in this world obey the spheres that carry their appearances (in the images of animals). . See how to use spheres with in a sentence. 4- The passenger ships had habitation spheres 20 meters in diameter. (145) The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene spheres. (392) Gnosticism is to a great extent dominated by the idea that it is above all and in the highest degree important for the Gnostic's soul to be enabled to find its way back through the lower worlds and spheres of heaven ruled by the Seven to the kingdom of light of the supreme deity of heaven. A compound sentence with "spheres" contains at least two independent clauses. The diameter / radius of the circle at the right is 5 cm. (39) These minute, supple spheres rest invisibly on the surface of the skin. (329) In the middle of the ground level, a large platform topped by black marble-patterned porcelain tile displays one of Ms. Donovans sculptures of aggregated spheres made of silver Mylar. (91) Inside the spheres, the neurons layer themselves like the neurons in your cerebral cortex. This would be great as homework or as an independent classwork activity. Respondents connected postgraduate teacher preparation with the classroom context ahead of peripatetic instrumental teaching; again, a disjunction between these spheres was apparent. And those spheres- they are worlds, realms, each one different yet the same. (32) In all spheres of life, we find the grace of patient endurance. (430) The Best Definition of "spheres" Ive Heard So Far. (423) In remembrance of these victims of popular wrath Jalal-uddin founded the order of the Maulawi (in Turkish Mevlevi) dervishes, famous for their piety as well as for their peculiar garb of mourning, their music and their mystic dance (sama), which is the outward representation of the circling movement of the spheres, and the inward symbol of the circling movement of the soul caused by the vibrations of a Sufi's fervent love to God. (83) And libertarian proposals in most spheres are normally congenial to conservatives too. (303) The creation of these late orders of chivalry proliferated in European nations in the 19th century and was emulated by emergent aspirant nations in their spheres of influence. Sphere-plane intersection[edit] (398) For small bodies other than spheres the coefficient will be different, but its sign will always be negative for diamagnetic substances and positive for others; hence the forces acting on any small body will be in the same directions as in the case of a sphere' Directing Couple acting on an Elongated Body. We can use our knowledge that a diameter is made up of two radii to understand that r = d/2. Bacteria occur in three basic shapes: rods ( or bacilli ), There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the, A hidden spark of the dream sleeps In the forest and waits In the celestial, It is helpful to reducing the uncertainty of measuring LEDs luminous flux with integrating, The only grain of truth to this complaint that the arts are in decline come from three, in fact, we have intelligence that smaller, Here are three of the stable structures that can be made using supermagnetic, Justinian has a clearer perception of the demarcation between the, Later record keeping aids throughout the Fertile Crescent included calculi (clay, The most obvious advantage of this system was that it made obsolete the fifty-five, Any delineation between the nominally public and non-public, Put the Earth at the center of the nested, The results of TEM showed that micelles were regular, In Britain, finally, the church, or rather the churches, wield tremendous influence in all, The jury box is set off by a walnut rail and descending baubles, round, Father entered the room, arms full of suitcases shaped in rectangles, pentagons , squares, and even, No one wanted to pay for music; the general feeling was that it should flow free from the celestial, This concept of vicegerency is what distinguishes Islam from other systems of thought in all, Urdu soon gained distinction in literary and cultural, Because people have freedom of choice where to shop there is some overlap between these, The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene, 2The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene, The influence -- and if you have noticed, one of my, These distance measurements tell you that you are situated somewhere on the circle where two, The shapes of these ferruginous sandstones are very fantastic - tubes, hollow, Use of the equation is based on the precept that particles are dominantly, The system is regulated by a height control valve which allows fluid to move between, Women in India experience much worse suffering, humiliation and slavery in all, The inner planets, the closest to the Sun, are solid, In the study of the classics, as in other, A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper, And then this is the first part of -- this is 109, Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane, The importance of these actions is that they legitimise intervention in other, 2Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane, The next diagonal has the tetrahedral numbers because similarly, you can stack that many, Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a number of shapes, ranging from, Yet, the dispersion of education only underscores with renewed urgency the significance of formal, Rock crystal was used for beads and was made into, Innovation has been permeating into various, There is no inexorable logic dictating that the media must undermine the independence of the, 1Innovation has been permeating into various, This was published in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium LRB On the revolutions of the heavenly, Legislation now produced separate apparatuses and, Our journey starts in space, where matter condenses into, 1Soon the density becomes great enough for the, It was concluded that the product was hollow, Now, according to proponents of the clash of civilizations, Barbie and Fulla occupy these completely separate, And from literate populations, new forms of collective action emerged in the, 1.
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