Officer Robert Brian Jones shouts, as he travels deeper inside the two-bedroom apartmenthis weapon drawn. Just days after running into Officer Boynton, I received a threatening email that reads in part: "Are You An Intelligent Enough Investigative Journalist To Know When You Are Being Conned or Do You Have To Be Spoon Fed? His flashlights beam reveals a smiling family of four. This is who he's sleeping with, points to the Facebook post that she says she was holding for Jessica for her divorce. No, never. I f***ing love her. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. He bangs on the locked closet door. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. "Be advised I smell gunsmoke, and I can't get an answer to the door," Boynton says on the call. "What you're saying to me, that's not, you know, I don't see anything he did wrong by saying that," Fred Mays told Mathews. Less than a month after her hospital-bed interview, Matthew was verbally cleared by the GBI, according to his chief. Despite their problems, Matthew tells investigators he still loved Jessica and the boys, and he offers an explanation for why he didn't run in the apartment that terrible night to save them. "Her hands appeared to be pristine, but also he noted that she had no gunpowder burns.". She also thinks Matthew read her diary and realized she was documenting his extramarital affair and secretly plotting to get full custody of their little boys. Her head shaved. When he's not driving a truck, Sanders studies police records looking for things investigators missed -- or possibly covered up. "I would say broken, distraught, damaged," the neighbor says. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - KTVB Police investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessicas limp body. I'm sure as you've heard, I'm getting a divorce. The doctor believes Jessica's injuries may have been caused by blunt-force trauma. [I miss] getting to see them every day and getting to watch them grow more and more into the boys and men that they're going to be someday, Jessica said sobbing. said Sheila Mathews. "It's just inconvenient. Matthew, grandson of then-sheriff of Spalding County, texts a fellow Griffin Police officer. But it's what those body cameras don't record that's raising eyebrows. She also stated that she just wanted her things back, so I informed her that I would do a report on the incident.. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. But many believe Jessica holds the only key as to what really happened inside that closet. The 20-year-old says he's heading to Waffle House for a late night food run with on-duty cop and best. He asked her what she thought could've happened. A family of Marines is divided after father shoots ailing wife After just six months of marriage, the Boyntons' one-time neighbor says she saw their young love grow toxic. BREAKING | Matthew Boynton, who was under investigation and cleared by the GBI last year for his wife's shooting, was charged with one felony count of false statements and writings, and one felony count of violation of oath of office. Immediately following that flip, Mathews said, DeMarco asked if she was recording their conversation. Privacy Policy | Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | I wouldn't trade them for anything no matter the situation. Jones removes the gun, which has a tactical flashlight attached to the bottom of its barrel, and places it on the kitchen counter and heads outside. I mean, I'm sure there's a plausible explanation to it without trying to come up with some sort of, you know, theory that, 'Oh, he has to be here in the kitchen answering these text messages.'". The agent asked her if she had ever held her husband's service weapon. 11Alive - BREAKING | Matthew Boynton, who was under - Facebook "Police department!" I don't see anything that looks like high-velocity blood splatter or mist," said Miley. And with that Matthew Boyton's questioning was over. To text back long story I'll tell you later.. Womens clothing items and an orthodontic retainer turned in to the Griffin Police Department by Will Sanders has been established to have belonged to Jessica Lester, the former wife of Matthew Boynton. Still lodged in Jessica's skull? His flashlight's beam reveals a smiling family of four. "The stuff that he was texting her was, you know, 'LOL's," said Sanders. But according to Mathews, that was not the last number dialed, so it could not have just been a redial accidently called through the evidence bag. He grabs his police radio from the kitchen counter and runs outside and makes a desperate call. After three weeks, she woke up. Thank God she fought and he was in there with her. It's one of their owna police-issued .40-caliber Glock. Having previously learned of the new evidence that was turned in to the Griffin Police Department May 11 and the Internal Affairs investigation that resulted, The GRIP on July 7 submitted an Open Records request for information in the case. Matthew claims they returned home just after 11 p.m. His proof? They were calling me the miracle child Because what I went through, not a lot of people survive through it, she told 11Alive's Brendan Keefe, nearly six months after the incidenther golden blonde hair now growing back. This chilling police body camera footage shows the moment a cop's wife was found barely alive suffering from a gunshot wound to her head. It could have been simply that um, all his, he left his stuff there. Haha I'm sorry I didn't think about that lol he sends to her after receiving a text from her--moments following his text from his wife. At about 10:45 p.m., he continues, he thought he heard a gunshot while they were lying in bed. Am I recording it? It appears it was self-inflicted. The first bullet went upward at 54-degree angle. When facts are wrong, evidence altered to fit theories and threats made, how does the GBI remain the last word on the case? Matthew, who's wearing a gray sweatshirt, says he called Lt. Curtis Keys and asked him what he should do. The agent asked her if she had ever held her husbands service weapon. OMG this is a total disgrace to the Uniform.I have looked over several different articles and maybe im missing something here but, in all that i had seen it states that he was questioned in his wifes shooting what the hell folks.SHE WAS NOT SHOT!!!!! Thats what took so long to get it sorted out.. "Next thing I remember was I wake up and I'm in a hospital.". Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | Of course the Grandfather could not be reached for a comment, he had it covered up. The panicked cop grabs his police radio and runs outside to make the frantic call to dispatch. The 20-year-old says he's heading to Waffle House for a late night food run with on-duty cop and best friend, Officer Joshua Guthrie--leaving his service weapon at home, in its holster and in the closet. RELATED: Who shot the officer's wife? She had always kept it hidden, but now, there it is for everyone to see. Jessica's husband and high school sweetheart is Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton. "In looking at this, this does not have the appearance of a suicide to me. A phone that text messages were sent and received to/from following his recollection of hearing,POP-POP! and running out of the apartment. A grandson of the county sheriff, a career in law enforcement was in his genes. But someone else did. "It's believed that Jessica entered the closet, closed the door, locked it, turned with her back to the door facing the back wall of the closet, that she held the gun to her head, pulled the trigger," said Sheila. He assigns another officer to standby at the door until the rest of the apartment is cleared. The subsequent investigation was short-lived, with it having been deemed a "civil matter." My kids are at home with her, so I'm trying to hurry up and get back there., I'm driving. If the phone was found by the GBI in the kitchenif the phone is on police body camera footage sitting on the counter by the microwave, and he was outside never returning insidehow is it possible for Matthew to text his girlfriend, while he's calling in shots fired while outside of the apartment? Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton was arrested and taken to the Spalding County Jail on multiple charges. With his gun raised and arms poised, he holds his weapon out in front of him with both hands. I was, he says to the GBI agent. The second bullet hole is more of a mystery. Stephen Kruspe, 65, appears at his first appearance before a judge after the March 27, 2017, shooting of his wife, Pamela, at a Boynton Beach assisted living facility. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | They call in Spalding County Sheriff Wendell Beam, who happens to be Matthew's grandfather, along with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. ", "There are two theories in this case, the first is that she shot herself and on the way to the ground she accidentally fired the gun a second time. Any weapons inside the house? the dispatcher inquires. provided images. Yates also said Boynton had provided a statement during the subsequent Internal Affairs investigation, acknowledging the items Sanders turned in were Lesters belongings. By the time Jessica was twenty, she'd had enough of Matthew, and their crumbling marriage had driven her to a dark place. After Jones pushes the gun away from underneath Jessica's bodyplacing it inside the bedroom, he and Officer Josh Howell move Jessica from the closet to the bedroom floor next to the foot of her bed so that EMS can begin working on her. Boyntons statement, dated Jan. 9, said, I was advised to complete a statement on a previous date by Lt. Yancey. While she places a blood pressure sleeve around her arm, an officer stands over her, shining a flashlight on Jessica's face, revealing that it's covered in blood. Here lately I have not been able to recognize the person I see in the mirror. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't try to brush off anything. And would a dad leave his kids inside with a suicidal woman and a loaded gun? Running across the parking lot and up the stairs, responding officers head toward the apartment. I havent listened to the actual investigation, but I dont believe so, that he gave any explanation that made any sense.. My understanding of the laws of physics is that one person cannot be in two places at the same time," Mathews said in an interview with 11Alive. The ambulance pulls away with Jessica in critical condition, to the fire station located on Carver Road, where the medical helicopter picks her up and takes her to an Atlanta hospital. Is that what you're saying?" I mean he might have grabbed my arm before, but I don't think he would intentionally do anything to hurt mebut like I said, he's changed so much here, lately, she said. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | - KXTV | Examine the evidence yourself. "I think it was in the heat of the moment, he was angry with me. Above Jessica, pinned to the wall, is a large black letter B for Boynton. But this wasn't the end of Jessica's story, rather a new beginningbut not the one she was hoping for. Jessica's husband and high school sweetheart is Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton. But where's the second round? Get him downstairs, one of the officers whispers to another. They did not swab me or Matthew, nor did they take his clothes," said Jessica. After you got on the radio and you were outside communicating on the radio, you never went back in to actually check, check on the kids, the agent questions Matthew about once he's out of the apartment. GBI conducts canvas and begins interviewing neighbors. This activity on his cell phone had to have taken place inside the kitchen inside his apartment," Mathews said to DeMarco in a recorded phone conversation. Around 9 o'clock on the night of Thursday, April 14, 2016, Matthew Boynton calls a lieutenant on duty and reports Jessica is hitting him again. I'll be back there in about two minutes. During my stay is when my personal belongings were taken and Matthew Boynton (3842) refuses to give them back, Lester stated. She also says she couldn't have written the text because it said "I love you.". Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | No, never. "That's the way we're gonna play this game, Sheila. The conversation bounces from officer to officer. Once he arrives on the scene, Trammel makes contact with Matthew, who tells him that he and his wife got into an argument. The police department should be ashamed of themselves for trying to cover this up!!! Jones checks on a locked closet door between the master bedroom and hallway, across from the bathroom. It's the journal where she's been keeping detailed notes about divorcing Matthew. Before he leaves, Matthew says Jessica makes a bizarre request: She asks him to call an ambulance. I said 'Is she still alive?' That question lingers--but not for Georgia Bureau of Investigations, who said the case is closed--repeatedly stating that they are satisfied with their findings. Officer Robert Brian Jones is also dispatched to the Ashford Way apartment building. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | He hears a baby crying as he carefully steps into the bedroom where a dark brown crib is situated. That's not what the surveillance tape shows. Making his way outside, seconds later, he calls for assistance over his radio. The one seen in the police body-cam is not the same gray sweatshirt he was wearing at Walmart earlier that night. "He believes that her injuries were consistent with blunt-force trauma," said Sheila Mathews. Which is very off that this happened, because I never, ever had any thoughts like this before. There was a question of what was and was not community marital property, so that took some doing to sort that out, also, Yates said, adding that many of the items reported as stolen including the clothing, computer and household items had been cited as community property during the couples divorce. The gun then landed underneath," said Tim Miley. Hewrote a letter to Jessica's attorneyJune 10, in which he questioned the finding that Jessica's head injury was a self-inflicted gunshot wound, saying there was no investigation at the hospital. HERE IS THE NEWS STORY OF THE SHOOTING.. I didn't wash may hands, nothing like that either, that way for GSR., There's a possibility that we might collect your clothes, OK. Haha I'm sorry I didn't think about that lol, he sends to her after receiving a text from her after his text from Jessica. They'd met in high school when Jessica was 15 and Matthew was 16. Jessica was still in a coma with a traumatic brain injurytubes stemming from her brain to alleviate pressure and fluid. I do not have any other items of Jessicas.. Somewhere in proximity to his arrest. Once established as her personal belonging, this one piece of physical evidence contradicted Boyntons January written civil statement in which he denied possessing any of Lesters property. "Another reasonable explanation is that there was a fight over the gun and during the course of that she was injured, Matthew thought she was dead and put the gun underneath.". I attempted to contact Jessica Boynton via telephone to advise her that this is a civil matter. He grabs his police radio, stationed on top of the white microwave in the kitchen charging, and puts his phone on the counter. Collectively, they examine the bullets' trajectory from the closet, into the bedroom wall and ceiling. The ceiling fan circles on high speed. That is not a reaction that I can relate to.". Please wear sturdy shoes. Chris DeMarco, GBI's assistant special agent in charge, arrives on the scene and meets with Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates for a briefing. "And I talked to the guy and was like, 'Look man, you know, can you just be honest with me? This couldn't happen man. From her hospital bed, she spoke to the GBI. After getting Matthew's phone records, Sanders discovers during that same time Matthew was making calls to 911, he was texting his mistress. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. Domestic violence has always been a precursor to violence in other areas. Matthew, 20, quickly called 911 and said he had received an alarming text message from his wife, claiming she was going to commit suicide, cops said. I didn't try to wash my hands, anything, because I knew GSR and all that would be involved.. The GBI is a joke as well giving him custody, and granting Jessica once-weekly. He said that she was so distraught that she was doubled over, and he said that she stood, closed the door in his face and then at that point he went ahead and left.". Bring the little ones for a story every Saturday morning at 11 a.m. to hear Sam's favorite tales. Jessica and Matthew's neighbor, who wishes to remain anonymous for her own safety, sees the lights from her apartment and runs outside. Jones passes by a framed portrait hung on the wall. It's just one piece of the brand new beginning the young mother and wife has been putting together for her and her sons. I believe I just heard a shot fired coming from my residence. If you play with it a little bit, it's not hard.. Ashamed the FBI hasnt picked up on this yet . Matthew and Jessica's two sons are still inside. It was retrieved from the kitchen counter in front of the microwave oven," she probed further. Then he hits investigators with a jaw-dropper. She said there were too many errors and discrepancies for her to have sent it. An officer tries to console his grieving coworker. In 2016, something terrible happened to Jessica Boynton, a 19-year-old mother of two. A key piece of evidence was photographed inside the kitchen after officers arrived on the scene. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. She loved me. Jessica advised me that around 4.15.2016, when she and her ex-husband, Matthew Boynton, separated, he took several things that belongs to her without her permission, McCune reported. It appears to be either an assault or maybe something accidental," said Miley. "I don't want to put all the blame on him but he's the only person that could have done it," said Jessica Boynton. Matthew loved being part of the brotherhood. No. When they finally shove their way in, tragic heartbreak is lying in front of them. Yancy also requested that Boynton write a statement pertaining to the allegation. "She's like, 'This is exactly what I need to get my divorce from him.'". She had an appointment Monday.. I was scared to death, because I couldn't find [Tyler]that she would shoot me, I mean shoot him, shoot me, and then kill herself.. My kids are at home with her, so I'm trying to hurry up and get back there., I'm driving. Jessica believes her suicide attempt was staged. "He does report an incident that would be considered domestic violence, that she was poking him in the chest with her finger," said Sheila Mathews. Jessica and Matthew Boynton got married at an extremely young age. Dr. Vernon Henderson, chief of Trauma and Critical Care at Atlanta Medical Center was on-call the morning Jessica came in and treated her for the next month while she was in the hospital. It's possible, but I mean it's very doubtful, because he's never hurt me before. We heard something and said 'what was that', recalls Browning. Uh, just my service weapon, he responds, ending the call just a minute later. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - KSDK But here's the thing that has everyone shaking their heads: In the bureau's final report, dated months after Jessica was released from the hospital, they still declare Jessica dead. However, the GBIs own photographs, search warrant and evidence log all corroborate that the officers phone was on the kitchen counter after Matthew had already left the apartment. December 20022 so heartless to show this right before Xmas. Blood pressure.. The air is thick with the trepidation, as officers approach the locked closet. One of about 70 messages they exchange throughout the night. Thats what we had to establish, Yates confirmed. While GPD Chief Mike Yates said he is unable to release specific information due to the criminal nature of the case, he did confirm information The GRIP provided during a July 31 interview. A previous study found 41% of police admitted to being abusive to their spouses. Ultimately, it came down to orthodontia Lesters retainer. Reliving his steps inside the apartment after he heard gunshots fired, he says, My whole upper body went numb. And, she said, she wouldn't have told him that she loved him. A Griffin cop finally arrives to take Matthew's formal domestic violence complaint.
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