While imprisoned at Buchenwald concentration camp for the rest of World War II, he refines his pre-war design of a calculator featuring a modified version of Leibnizs stepped drum design. ENIAC used panel-to-panel wiring and switches for programming, occupied more than 1,000 square feet, used about 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighed 30 tons. The first practical stored-program computer to provide a regular computing service, EDSAC is built at Cambridge University using vacuum tubes and mercury delay lines for memory. Southwest Technical Products is founded by Daniel Meyer as DEMCO in the 1960s to provide a source for kit versions of projects published in electronics hobbyist magazines. The PC era ended Wangs success, and it filed for bankruptcy in 1992. The Moore School Building at the University of Pennsylvania. Output was displayed on the users home TV screen through use of an adapter. 40,000 were sold, including 10 to NASA for use on the Apollo space project. Oddly, the company doesn't use the term in its marketing, preferring instead to refer to the microcomputer (which it calls a "Micom") that implements the fuzzy logic. A large parallel processing computer, the ILLIAC IV does not operate until 1972. One of the earliest and most popular pieces of software for microcomputers was the VisiCalc spreadsheet program. Follow-on versions of the Kindle added further audio-video capabilities. spreadsheet What is the function of an IEP generator? When Xerox PARC loaned the Stanford Engineering Department an entire Alto Ethernet network with laser printer, graduate student Andy Bechtolsheim re-designed it into a prototype that he then attached to Stanfords computer network. A computer could write it with a laser instead. It would serve as the model for several other significant multi-processor systems that would be among the fastest in the world. Federico Faggin led the design and Ted Hoff led the architecture. Accept data (input) 2. T/F True You can save money on your data plan by using this type of connection whenever possible for connecting to the Internet. In 1939, Bell Telephone Laboratories completes this calculator, designed by scientist George Stibitz. The machine was noted for its ease-of-use and included a 'manual' that contained only a few pictures and less than 20 words. Scelbi aimed the 8H, available both in kit form and fully assembled, at scientific, electronic, and biological applications. An experiment conducted five months later on the MIT Whirlwind computer confirmed how useful and convenient a keyboard input device could be. The keyboard was comprised of three roughly triangular interlocking pieces, which formed a full-sized keyboard when the laptop was opened -- resulting in a keyboard significantly wider than the case. The replica is currently on display at the Computer History Museum. Only one month later, another one million Raspberry Pis were delivered. Columbia Supercomputer system made up of SGI Altix. Zuse later supervised a reconstruction of the Z3 in the 1960s, which is currently on display at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Upgrade to Quizlet Plus to study with no ads, offline access and even more premium features, like image uploading and scanning to create sets. Which of the following is an online course characteristic that supports success? The EDSAC project was led by Cambridge professor and director of the Cambridge Computation Laboratory, Maurice Wilkes. assist teachers in preparing student IEPs What software is useful to illustrate a numerical concept such as the difference between electoral votes and popular votes? Originally a joint project with IBM and Microsoft, OS/2 is know maintained by IBM, and was a competitive product to the various MS Windows programs. Initially designed for internal use by HP employees, co-founder Bill Hewlett issues a challenge to his engineers in 1971: fit all of the features of their desktop scientific calculator into a package small enough for his shirt pocket. Though it used a proprietary operating system, RISC OS, the RISC PC could run PC-compatible software using the Acorn PC Card. While the PC Jr. sold poorly, the PC/AT sold in the millions. Answer (1 of 14): There's a good argument that written mathematics or music is probably the first, a pre-specified structured set of instructions intended to transport and replicate a process. The title of first commercially available general-purpose computer probably goes to Britains Ferranti Mark I for its sale of its first Mark I computer to Manchester University. Apps, games, and accessories helped spur the popularity of the iPad and led to its adoption in thousands of different applications from movie making, creating art, making music, inventory control and point-of-sale systems, to name but a few. The function of an output device is to: Selected Answer: Convert electronic information produced by the computer system into human-intelligible form for presentation to end-users. The roots of the companys name came from the acronym for Stanford University Network (SUN). It was the first microcomputer to sell in large numbers. The Motorola 68000 microprocessor exhibited a processing speed far greater than its contemporaries. The primary distinguishing characteristic of modern computers is ____. The PowerBook line of computers was discontinued in 2006. The device's success led to the creation of MIT Lincoln Laboratory in 1951. The Jaguar was used to study climate science, seismology, and astrophysics applications. An offshoot of the POWER XCell8i chip was used as the main processor in the Sony PlayStation 3 game console. During World War II, the US Navy approaches the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) about building a flight simulator to train bomber crews. The trio soon attracted UC Berkeley UNIX guru Bill Joy, who led software development. General Georges Doriot and his pioneering venture capital firm, American Research and Development, invested $70,000 for 70% of DECs stock to launch the company in 1957. Based on Charles Babbage's second design for a mechanical calculating engine, a team at the Science Museum in London sets out to prove that the design would have worked as planned. The Pi weighed only 45 grams and initially sold for only $25-$35 U.S. Which instructional software function would probably be the most appropriate choice for allowing students to discover rules for genetics? There is an inconsistency between states in the classification of ELL students. Motes are also known as smart dust, since the intention is that their tiny size and low cost make them inexpensive enough to sprinkle in the real world to as sensors. What are students programming when they develop a computer-generated environment in which a real-life scene is overlaid with computer-generated information? One of the first commercially produced computers, the companys first customer was the US Navy. Instruction for which all students "meet" with the instructor by video at a designated time of day would be an example of this kind of distance course. Arduino soon became the main computer platform of the worldwide Maker movement. Columbia was used in space vehicle analysis, including studying the Columbia disaster, but also in astrophysics, weather and ocean modeling. Over 30 were completed, including one delivered to Australia. A. Which kind of software tool would a teacher choose in order to develop a test item bank? microcomputer: A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer or PC , a computer designed for an individual. The iPad combines many of the popular capabilities of the iPhone, such as built-in high-definition camera, access to the iTunes Store, and audio-video capabilities, but with a nine-inch screen and without the phone. 1945: Memex Which of the following is not a file format in which audio-video files can be imported from a source and stored in a computer? Atlas was the fastest computer in the world at the time and introduced the concept of virtual memory, that is, using a disk or drum as an extension of main memory. What characteristic is common to most Personalized Learning Systems (PLS)? The Control Data Corporation (CDC) 6600 performs up to 3 million instructions per second three times faster than that of its closest competitor, the IBM 7030 supercomputer. The 1401 mainframe, the first in the series, replaces earlier vacuum tube technology with smaller, more reliable transistors. Programmer Arthur Samuels used the 701 to write the first computer program designed to play checkers. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. Inside was a Z80 microprocessor and a built-in BASIC language interpreter. It also included more memory and accommodated high-density 1.2-megabyte 5 1/4-inch floppy disks. The LEO was Englands first commercial computer and was performing useful work before any other commercial computer system in the world. MADDIDA is a digital drum-based differential analyzer. If a student is creating within Minecraft or Sims, what type of computer programming products are they designing and making? In a widely circulated paper, mathematician John von Neumann outlines the architecture of a stored-program computer, including electronic storage of programming information and data -- which eliminates the need for more clumsy methods of programming such as plugboards, punched cards and paper. Online retailer Amazon released the Kindle, one of the first to gain a large following among consumers. False It offered increased performance and storage capacity over the original IBM PC and sold for about $4,000. Dell dropped out of school to focus on his business and in 1985, the company produced the first computer of its own design, the Turbo PC, which sold for $795. Introduction of the iPhone 4 with retina display. Spreadsheet Since the release of the Macintosh in 1984, Apple has placed emphasis on high-resolution graphics and display technologies. Acorn spun off ARM as its own company to license microprocessor designs, which in turn has transformed mobile computing with ARMs low power, high-performance processors and systems-on-chip (SoC). The Micral computer series debuted their first computer in early 1973. Constructed at MITs Lincoln Laboratory, the TX-0 moved to the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, where it hosted some early imaginative tests of programming, including writing a Western movie shown on television, 3-D tic-tac-toe, and a maze in which a mouse found martinis and became increasingly inebriated. . The Alpha processor designs were eventually acquired by Compaq, which, along with Intel, phased out the Alpha architecture in favor of the HP/Itanium microprocessor. What is a key technological infrastructure resource for online teaching? In 1987, the year after Microsoft went public, 31-year-old Gates became the world's youngest billionaire. Their first program, consisting of seventeen instructions and written by Kilburn, ran on June 21st, 1948. The AGCs first flight was on Apollo 7. service packs. It used $120 worth of electronics components, as outlined in the September 1973 issue of hobbyist magazine Radio Electronics. assist teachers in preparing student IEPs. Based on the Intel 8008 microprocessor, the Micral is one of the earliest commercial, non-kit personal computers. ducing microcomputers to small and medium-sized transit operating agen-cies. Wi-Fi It was widely used in DEC's workstations and servers, as well as several supercomputers like the Chinese Sunway Blue Light system, and the Swiss Gigabooster. At 4 million operations per second and 4 kilobytes of memory, the 80386 gave PCs as much speed and power as older mainframes and minicomputers. A total of ten Colossi were delivered, each using as many as 2,500 vacuum tubes. This keyboard design was dubbed the Butterfly. The need for such a design was lessened as laptop screens grew wider. The Newton line never performed as well as hoped and was discontinued in 1998. What set the 486 apart was its optimized instruction set, with an on-chip unified instruction and data cache and an optional on-chip floating-point unit. The PC Jr. is marketed as a home computer but is too expensive and limited in performance to compete with many of the other machines in that market. They did. The VAIO line of computers would be best known for laptops were designed with communications and audio-video capabilities at the forefront, including innovative designs that incorporated TV and radio tuners, web cameras, and handwriting recognition. ex..pentium, celeron, athlon. FTCE Physical Education Certification Exam, Alan S. Willsky, Alan V. Oppenheim, Hamid Nawab, Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, Brian Self, David Mazurek, E. Russell Johnston, Ferdinand Beer, Phillip Cornwell, 3.8.1 - Strategic direction: choosing which m, BCPS 2018: Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. English language learners often score higher on assessments due to their increased focus in language acquisition. Answer: . The 486 chips remained similar in structure to their predecessors, the 386 chips. The company sold about 200 machines, losing $500 per unit. Built by IBM using their Blue Gene/Q supercomputer architecture, the Sequoia system is the world's fastest supercomputer in 2012. What is a distinguishing feature of instructional software? Microcomputers for Twenty-First Century Educators (Paperback, 4th ed) / Author: Lockard / Author: Abrams / Author: "Many ; 9780673524560 ; Educational resources & technology, Education, Social sciences, Books Apple had initially included a handle in their Macintosh computers to encourage users to take their Macs on the go, though not until five years after the initial introduction does Apple introduce a true portable computer. A British government contract spurred its initial development but a change in government led to loss of funding and the second and only other Mark I was sold at a major loss to the University of Toronto, where it was re-christened FERUT. effects of word processing on students' handwriting. refers to symbols that represent fast objects and ideas. At MIT, researchers begin experimenting with direct keyboard input to computers, a precursor to todays normal mode of operation. The system cost more than $100 million to create and ran a variation of the Linux operating system with up to 10 petabytes of storage. Which of the following is not a significant challenge in regard to assessing students who are English language learners (ELLs)? The Z3 was used for aerodynamic calculations but was destroyed in a bombing raid on Berlin in late 1943. The most popular operating system for small microcomputers in the late 1970s was CP/M, written by Gary Kildall in about 1974 and marketed by the company he started, Digital Research, Inc. IBM visited Digital Research in August 1980 - some say at the suggestion of Bill Gates - to investigate using "CP/M-86, their upcoming version for . The militarys high standards for its transistors pushed manufacturers to improve quality control. The machines were used by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to run massive solar energy simulations, as well as some of the most complex molecular studies ever undertaken. MADDIDA (Magnetic Drum Digital Differential Analyzer) prototype. Tailored for online transaction processing, the Tandem-16 is one of the first commercial fault-tolerant computers. Developed by the Japanese government to create global climate models, the Earth Simulator is a massively parallel, vector-based system that costs nearly 60 billion yen (roughly $600 million at the time). All three PowerBooks introduced featured a built-in trackball, internal floppy drive, and palm rests, which would eventually become typical of 1990s laptop design. Doug Ross wrote a memo advocating direct access in February. Its large scope intrigued early hackers at MIT, who wrote the first computerized video game, SpaceWar!, as well as programs to play music. While many early digital computers were based on similar designs, such as the IAS and its copies, others are unique designs, like the CSIRAC. Performing far better than the company projections of 3,000 units for the first year, in the first month after its release Tandy Radio Shacks first desktop computer the TRS-80 sells 10,000 units. Sun Microsystems grows out of this prototype. The Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) project, led by IBM engineer Wallace Eckert, uses both relays and vacuum tubes to process scientific data at the rate of 50 14 x 14 digit multiplications per second. false. Rather than testing components like the SEAC, the SWAC was built using already-developed technology. Be, founded by former Apple executive Jean Louis Gasse and a number of former Apple, NeXT and SUN employees, releases their only product the BeBox. It interfaced with a wide number of standard laboratory instruments, allowing customers to computerize their instrument systems. Univac computers were used in many different applications but utilities, insurance companies and the US military were major customers. Based on ideas from Alan Turing, Britains Pilot ACE computer is constructed at the National Physical Laboratory. Japan's SoftBank introduces the first camera phone, the J-Phone J-SH04; a Sharp-manufactured digital phone with integrated camera. Millions of Apple IIs were sold between 1977 and 1993, making it one of the longest-lived lines of personal computers. These are the two categories people usually use to describe tutorial software functions. The Nova was first to employ medium-scale integration (MSI) circuits from Fairchild Semiconductor, with subsequent models using large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits. The ad featured the destruction of Big Brother a veiled reference to IBM -- through the power of personal computing found in a Macintosh. Microsoft Windows, also called Windows and Windows OS, computer operating system (OS) developed by Microsoft Corporation to run personal computers (PCs). The upgraded and faster Tianhe-1A used Intel Xeon CPUs as well, but switched to nVidia's Tesla GPUs and added more than 2,000 Fei-Tang (SPARC-based) processors. His daughter named the new machine after the star Altair. The basic idea for bombes came from Polish code-breaker Marian Rejewski's 1938 "Bomba.". This printing programmable calculator was made from discrete transistors and an acoustic delay-line memory. The Programma 101 could do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as calculate square roots. Before its decommissioning in 1952, the SSEC produced the moon position tables used in early planning of the 1969 Apollo XII moon landing. In 1983 Zojirushi introduced a rice cooker that was among the first consumer-oriented products to rely on fuzzy logic. It is recognized by the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records as the greatest selling single computer of all time. The DN100 is based on the Motorola 68000 microprocessor, high-resolution display and built-in networking - the three basic features of all workstations. Many credit the PS/2 for making the 3.5-inch floppy disk drive and video graphics array (VGA) standard for IBM computers. A later version of that machine became the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer. The electronic circuits (registers) of the arithmetic- logic unit perform both the arithmetic and logic functions needed for the software instructions to be executed. server. In 1973, after selling only 40 machines, Kenbak Corporation closed its doors. IBM's brand recognition, along with a massive marketing campaign, ignites the fast growth of the personal computer market with the announcement of its own personal computer (PC). It was believed that ENIAC had done more calculation over the ten years it was in operation than all of humanity had until that time. Designed by scientists and engineers at MITs Instrumentation Laboratory, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) is the culmination of years of work to reduce the size of the Apollo spacecraft computer from the size of seven refrigerators side-by-side to a compact unit weighing only 70 lbs. Commodores Amiga 1000 is announced with a major event at New York's Lincoln Center featuring celebrities like Andy Warhol and Debbie Harry of the musical group Blondie. One biblical scholar even used a Univac 1 to compile a concordance to the King James version of the Bible. Its price was especially attractive as the computer included very useful productivity software worth about $1,500 alone. Under the auspices of a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, biomedical research faculty from around the United States came to a workshop at MIT to build their own LINCs, and then bring them back to their home institutions where they would be used. The line was discontinued less than two years later. This is a list of early microcomputers sold to hobbyists and developers. Mathematician George Stibitz recommends using a relay-based calculator for the project. What do research studies tend to confirm about online learning? The company was incorporated by three 26-year-old Stanford alumni: Bechtolsheim, Vinod Khosla and Scott McNealy. Despite using 98,304 PowerPC chips, Sequoia's relatively low power usage made it unusually efficient.
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