Ive experienced firsthand how these women throw themselves at him and its disgusting.. Jessica Hahn was a plant and Bakker was a willing stooge but I still felt bad for him. And when I was little, they often took me with them to church, and I remember the impression the services made on me. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amillennialism. This got the ball rolling and ultimately he resigned because the board wouldve gone public if he didnt. What are my options if the operation goes wrong? I Am His: Diane Coy | ARE YOU COMING? Register today for the I Am His Im sorry you have experienced the pain you described and hope the best for you. Thats the kind of crap my step-dad CC pastor pulled. I still have the cassette tape. Thank you for the correction. Im not really a fan of the pastor-centric model for this reason. Just ask Michael Newham, hell avoid the question as he points his stubby little fingers everywhere else but at himself, or Alex G, he at at least might be more honest and tell he you hes viewed porn and probably worse. God credits His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation, thereby justifying them in His sight. Lets flesh this out peeps. he made a huge mistake. Im sure he was forced to leave and CC is doing everything they can to make sure that he will not be remembered. You have some serious issues. "I was brought up in a very religious, traditional Midwestern home," he told Ed Stetzer, a Wheaton College professor, in a 2013 interview for a video series. Again I presume your a single woman. Isnt this why our precious savior came? Agree with BDs #775. Have you surveyed all men to know that I am the only one. And I can name an endless list of Calvinists who have won tens of thousands to Christ. It may be at CC it may not, it may be at an organization such as woman in distress, a food bank or missionary etc.. God has a lot of job openings, it may be that your time for a family is coming. No Im not CC? At one time I clearly remember the address was Pompano Beach but maybe that was at the gateway location. You may buy the old line well we were just standing there and our clothes fell off I dont. Vince hated that Sharon wasnt thinking about them, but he couldnt stop thinking about them. So here is the text. I always kinda felt sorry for his wife..now more than ever. Not me. What is Bob Coy doing now? #325 Is that Biblical? These pastors are lifted up and deified and made into celebrities, so then it becomes Bob Coys church Raul Riess church Greg Lauries church instead of the Church of Jesus Christ, and when these men fall the little gods we had erected fall and then we can hear God say, I am God and I am still on the throne!. "We need to stop him. Clearly some felt the news should come out right away rather than one last sunday morning coverup cum offering and they made sure that is exactly what happened. It boggles my mindboggles itthat you want to haggle over the terms of removal of someone who we now know had at least two affairs and a porn problem. Then non believers wonder why Christians are the only ones to kill their wounded. Adultery creates a ripple effect that grows outward and touches so many lives not just the two involved and it takes two willing participants to maintain. I guess you are a disciple of Luther, youre not anti Semitic like he was are you? Sounds like from John 8 that Jesus sure had sympathy for the adulterer. Coy is twisting in the wind. . Did you commit adultery with them? I listened to the message at calvary today. This whole mess has really brought some things into question for me, a new believer Adultery is certainly throughout the 66 books BUT not within those called into ministry as far as I can find. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible?. The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. Then there was another put up for bid winning at a lower price. Contents show Robert J. Pastor Bob Coy left with his family. http://thelasthiker.wordpress.com/2014/04/06/pastor-bob-coy-the-church-adultery-consequences-and-grace/. Opinion: I've been on the field for two football tragedies. I hope Bob Coy Removed For Moral Failure: Updated - Phoenix Preacher This will certainly be a season of emotional turmoil for CC Fort Lauderdale, as they lose their senior pastor. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In his later days, he began registering cars that were essentially completely custom fabrications as antique automobiles, avoiding major emissions restrictions and tax liabilities. He said Satan was looking to destroy people .he sure did not take his advice.. Coy black balled a number of people who served and now he is going to know what being black balled is all about..karma comes back on him.. @ Hugh Flynn. thou shalt not have moral failure with thy church women who arent thy wife, thus sayeth The Lord! With a sitcom dad's wholesome looks, a standup comedian's snappy timing, and an unlikely redemption tale of ditching a career managing Vegas strip clubs to find Jesus, Coy had become a Christian TV and radio superstar. In 2004, he even campaigned with Dubya around South Florida. Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 14 Recap: George and Mary Breakup? Really? His church believed that lie for another ten years, until he finally got a young woman, a babe in Christ, pregnant and so FINALLY the church and his wife kicked him out. No, there are 2 parts to this Gods and mans. I have visited many other churches, I am not a Coy groupie, and consider myself spirit filled. Coy rented space for his church from a funeral parlor in Oakland Park and made ends meet by selling shoes while his wife worked as a waitress. God doesnt care how much money a person has. Unfortunately, my current cat is not among them. The dinners were not at a charge per se. Bob Coy is fortunate because his sin was found out. Boyd Coddington (August 28, 1944 February 27, 2008)[1] was an American hot rod designer, the owner of the Boyd Coddington Hot Rod Shop, and star of American Hot Rod on TLC. , ; , -. Its good if they get hardened, although some will probably drift away because their real worship was in Coy. We are all susceptible to temptation and sin until the day we are redeemed and changed incorruptible. They were about 630 employees last count. I agree. Daughter- There area few Pastors there (wont mention names) that have taken on BCs mannerisms and style. Of courseleave it to the Pharisees to fight amongst, not for, themselves. In the meantime, I trust we will mourn and pray for a fallen brother. Im appalled. 20:2 and a great chain. He confessed to it. I have witnessed decades of the David example being taught by CC pastors to justify restoration of sexually sinning leaders. That has calmed my spirit a little. Ushers passed tissue boxes down the rows as his followers wept. Is there a man here who would NOT do the same. You said that the 1,000 yrs had to be taken literally. Well, what happened to the $ since there was never a new sanctuary? Thanks mld. "We take every allegation of abuse seriously, and our prayers are with the Coy family as they pursue redemption and healing.". Just saying maybe. Just one. A few things to keep in mind BC may have said look to Jesus but his actions did not. In Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 14 Recap, Cooper's imminent delivery is approaching. Right now, my concern is for the wife, the children, and the congregation. I loved the book and I want yall to pop over, read the review and see reasons why I think you would like it too. Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, and says what it means, so when it says that there will be a 1000 year reign of Christ, it doesnt really mean a 1000 year reign, but its symbolic, in fact we are already in the millennium, in fact the lamb is lying with the lion, its to be taken spiritually, (I had one preterist tell me that his cat and his parakeet were getting along and played together and that that was proof for him that we were in the millennium), and Satan is chained up right now (yeah right! That is a bummer about Chet. I could see being gracious to a guy who practiced and modeled it and was truly privatebut the fact is Coy was a big time celebrity (and probably will be again) and he had a broad congregation and broad viewershipand its probably right to let everyone know what happenedwhich as usual the blogs are standing in the accountability gap. Id just like to ask a simple question. Though I am not a Calvinist you again caricature their views by your questions. lol. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. The core issue is a sense of self oriented privilege that arises from the prestige and power. Coddington was known for clean, elegant designs combining old school with what would come to be known as the "Boyd Look". even a little. You will always have the tow the line soldier types and they have their place in the body as well but if you want to grow in any aspect of life spiritual or other wise seek out those you respect and let them help you to the next rung a person of good character will be happy to share their life experience to build you up, those that criticize have nothing to offer in the first place. Kempner had a historyand was unrepentantuntil I posted the arrest record. Thats worse than not knowing you are doing wrong. And no I dont listen to Chuck Missler or have a Schofield, I just read the Bible, you should try it sometime! @616 The covenant with the many is for seven years. The language of this episode smacks of a scenario like the one I just described. Daughter, I understand the struggle of looking for Bible based local church. When my wife and I first started attending CCFL in 93 he preached with humility and it was refreshing. I think that would be helpful to know. Michael Newnham, a pastor from Oregon whose blog "Phoenix Preacher" details the scandals swirling around Calvary Chapel, pointed to sources claiming that Coy is trying to mobilize investors, because he wants "back in the game.". Some complained anonymously that Smith was "dangerously lax in maintaining standards for sexual morality" among his preachers. A core of my current belief system is that none are truly transformed when they are saved. Florida Megachurch Pastor Resigns Due To 'Moral Failure'. And because of this I rejoice. And did you go to bed with them? "Our pastor, he committed adultery with more than one woman. "God is with us all who learn and grow so much from a man who always reminded us he was human and not one is perfect not even Pastor Bob but God gave him a purpose and he did well by God. Unless you are being slanderous libel and defamation of character. 87 . Cant seem to wonder if Pastor Clay knew something and that is why he resigned the end of last year. So, what about babylons Dread is his theology from Homer Simpson? Too bad Christians dont look beyond a mans reputation to the truth. Im sure he sins just like the rest of us. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. May I test you on this? Barbara, You will have to do the homework. There is a reason God forgives us. How can you trust anyone at calvary anymore after you were lied to by Coy for years.he is disgusting.. To say he was loyal to diane is a joke..his kids will really be affected for ever.. Did he ever once think about his 1000 employees, did he ever once think about his kids, did he ever once think about what he was doing to Jesus or his wife, his family. Thanks for sharing that Laura. Anonymous I know what youre speaking about there was defiantly is a we know better attitude through the church as is with any structured environment but I on at least (3) occasions took Bob to task on issues I questioned and each time he heard and reasoned with me, one time conceded, one time there was a healing between two churches and one time we agreed I was taking a bit too much license and should stay on the set point to which I conceded. May God have mercy, and may God use situations like this to remind all of us just how vulnerable we are when we do that which is right in our own eyes. I must say that in knowing very little about the build up to this story, it appears that the church took much faster action in dismissing Coy than in the case of Mike Kestler. I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? Is it ok, in your world view, that I feel a profound sadness at the pain and destruction his betrayal has caused him and those in his universe? It never is. Now, like all humbled sinners should, may he experience effective and redemptive compassion from those that love him. Which is the essence of the lordship salvation false gospel. and Why? You give yourself a severe disadvantage by doing so, whenever you are discussing doctrine with someone. We are all sinners and can do nothing without God. So good to hear from Diane Coy as she shared her testimony recently. I have no thoughts about his church pastors in that arena are a dime a dozen they can find some other untrained funny man to take his place.. Also there were pledge meetings. http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/78354908268/nothing. If I was a Calvinist I would still punch you in the blog-mouth with your silliness. Andy, I made a couple of comments to Mary! Yes, I was on staff a long time ago and didnt like the behind the scenes stuff. The next level of givers got to have a dinner with them with more people, the next level got a buffet dinner> The next got a lunch buffet and then some got nothing.. I guess Im the rookie of the bunch since this blogging stuff is my first round ever participating in such, but I have to say Im amazed and taken aback by the acidic, sarcastic, jabbing, slandering; lets say it absolute hateful jabs at one another ( just do a speed read at 476 thru 1!). It must be ok to allow our men to struggle with viewing women in tight clothes, low-neck shirts, or high skirts. How was this non bodied being bound with a chain? To err is humanto forgive..divine. Pastor Bob has always reminded his congregation that they should look to Christand not to man. What usually happens in these situations is that after the offense is noted and documented the person is given the option to leave voluntarily or be forced out. Let the people who preach the forgiveness of sins demonstrate the message. As New Times revealed in an investigation published Tuesday, former Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Pastor Bob Coy who once led the largest megachurch in Florida was accused in 2015 of. Payne had taken his case against Fort Lauderdale Police Maj. Eric Brogna to the Broward County State Attorney's Office, but prosecutors declined to press charges. He was ready to give his life to the church. I have seen the results of calvinism, on many unwary new believers, it seems these Calvinists have a difficult time preaching the gospel and winning converts after all those that God has chosen are already saved, but these Calvinists have no problem infiltrating the churches and stealing Gods sheep with their vain philosophies based on man, let no one spoil you Paul warned, and this Calvinist preterist teaching is a rotting festering leaven in the body of Christ today! As I made comment on those who did, others jumpe in and made each a Luther discussion. I meant no disrespect. You are stalling. Im just sick of it.Stop already, close this piece of garbage sight down and stop digging up peoples sin, and causing division in the body. Im glad its yours and yours alone, this way perhaps you might just keep your hypocrisy to yourself, just be ready that when you judge a man, you are ready to be judged as well! The church Coy helped build has moved on without him, but the national Calvary organization has struggled. I trip on all you. He should have been honest and asked for a divorce. Coy shocked his flock and made national headlines by walking away from his ministry, selling his house, and divorcing his wife. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they teach., And also with Paul who said in Phil 1:15-18. I say yes. Reading Paiges comments really brought home for me the absolute horror for the wife of a pastor who falls in such a big way. Whats up with that? maybe you could pray for everyone and call it a day. If the preponderance of evidence makes it useless to fight, they resign. The best counsel I received was to keep my eyes on Jesus and off of man. Mark Davis and Clay Hecocks wives were very good friends and I am sure together decided enough was enough from what they knew. We did not have the luxury of all those in ministry on his payroll. The Calvinist teaching does not coincide with Gods nature and Gods love as revealed in Scripture! Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. Very sad. There are a lot of Calvary Chapelites out there that almost worship Bob more than Christ. Debbie, Larrythe next few days are going to be very difficult for you. In 2007, Christianity Today spoke to numerous Calvary pastors across the country. Bob Coy - Net Worth February 2023, Salary, Age, Siblings, Bio, Family The interpretation is right there in the text he is telling the listeners that they are witnessing that very event.. You can keep attacking Luther it doesnt phase me one bit. I dont have to answer this question, since, I believe in contending for every point of doctrine, even the secondary issues. I bet the line of women giving interviews is long and loud. Same story with sin throughout the scriptures, with example after example. So here is one for you. On another note, are we also praying for those women with whom he had affairs? . Beyond that, Ive got absolutely nothing. Diane Downs gave birth to four children. The CC dove poops again. Kassanndra Cantrell a lady from Tacoma, Washington, disappeared in 2020 without leaving behind much evidence. You are a liar and you need to repent. I travel almost an hour to CCFTL because I was well fed there. I Am His: Diane Coy. "When Pastor Bob left, people definitely left too because they wanted to follow him or because they were just hurt," says Healy, the longtime church member. I guess the scars remain although toughened with time. Which one of these statements do you not agree with Flynn? [6] Anon, I cant really say how I know. Yes he lost his Kingdom but he gets to keep the treasure! But on February 22 of that year, the case went to Judge Tim Bailey, a member of a powerful conservative family; his father, Patrick, founded the Pompano Beach Republican Club, and both father and son had chaired Broward's Judicial Nominating Commission. if youre wondering if Sharon is dead. Its because we do sin. The subject was brought up suggesting that church and Flynn was correct in most of his post which addressed those issue. You are an angry man, Lorenzo, and very unattractive to anyone who you are unloading upon. I hear bible preaching and teaching being translated into military and sports metaphors all the time. "People were really, really hurt," says Colleen Healy, a Broward resident who began following Coy in 1995. Ill go first. I guess most of us would not have let Peter preach at pentacost so soon after denying Christ! I dont the adulterer always chooses to dishonor and humiliate his wife. If you are blessed, you may find one to lay your weary self at for a while. I would like to see some evidence for your claims. I believe it was originally 103 until those 2 donors backed out. Registered in England and Wales 5090917, Christian Today, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, Evangelical church redirects payments after CofE gay blessing vote, Evangelical church pursues alternative oversight after CofE same-sex blessing vote. Bob asked me to remove that message, but, I completely agree. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. Bob Coy is a man.one of the main problems with sheep is that they start to put too much into the pastor, instead of putting it all on the Lord. In a lawsuit, a woman named Lori Pollitt said after she had moved from Texas to Idaho to work for Kestler, he repeatedly demanded she divorce her husband, give up her children to adoption, and marry him. Resigned or fired? Certainly they sinned as well, but Im only seeing defense of 1/2 (or 1/3, or 1/4, or.) Specifically when using the number 7. to attract a crowd, something is wrong. Or your own wife and children if you have any. It is my empowerment. Let him be restored to the churchs love. On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. My husband and I were members of Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale for 14 years, we left 7 years ago to move to South Carolina..We loved Pastor Bob and his family and what he and Pastor Fidel did to bring Calvary to where it is today it is amazing. The pit does not really have a padlock on it etc ) but in all that symbolism, we should take the 1,000 yrs literally? Deal with it and may your curse not come back on you. Bob Coy did not address the congregation on Sunday. Unless you will claim that Revelation is not part of the Bible. "My job was to make sure that the artists on Capitol Records were happy and entertained when they were in my city. Hes completely out of Calvary Chapel and is seemingly content as a regular guy although he seems to have realigned his doctrine to something more unorthodox and writes about it often. Mark, are you kidding? just a question, Michael, you should be able to answer, we all should be transparent, especially you since you are a pastor, you were married right? Why are we sitting there looking at people performing on stage anyway? No, we give first aid and rehab, knowing full well that all of us have faced the same arrows. Please disagree with vigor if you choose, but lets not make it personal. You say regarding John Macarthur, Otherwise, at least he doesnt get rich off of Jesus and doesnt bilk people of their money and tows the moral line he lays down. Really? Just go to Benny Hinns website if you want that ? When one is so charismatic and manipulative, it is not hard to distinguish between the 2 for me. after being a Christian? I empathize with those of you who have have called Bob your Pastor. Thank you, Nonnie for your prayers for my children! Were the same sinners as before. It must and does operate by the same worldly standards as any other corporation. He informed his congregation 2 weeks before he left- leaving them for over 1 1/2 yrs thinking he was building a new church for them. Hes too plugged in there. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. Frank, are you cool with Calvary Chapel pastors judging those outside their church who are gay and want to get married? Talk about distractions in worship! No one is perfect. Deal with that and then come talk to me. I attended Calvary and sometimes was there 5 times a week for classes etc. A rich man has freedom to embrace the world. What Happened to Aunt Diane? Diane Schuler Case - YouTube Sure would make the shame easier to bear. My heart goes out to his wife and kids. Michael continues to be a blogger fail, spreading innacurate information, in hopes of being a journalist/blogger while these comments help sell him ads and he continues to beg for money via paypal on here. Christ the Rock suffered its own scandal a while back and I heard that Pastor set up camp at a near location. Lorenzo, My lying mouth? It also took us all years to get over it mentally and spiritually. With that we end another day of broadcasting. We had to depend on recommended books and the Lord.and blogs like this. I do have issue with his lies, spending money on mistresses, and exposing his wife to STDs. Im not too concerned about Bob Coy right now.. What about Calvary Chapel West Palm Beach, did that one survive the CC Florida curse?
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