C. a learner withdraws attention from the model's actions. A. proactive interference. Which of the following is true of a night's sleep? D. Divided attention involves concentrating on different activities, one activity at a time. Since then, she has had immense difficulty in communicating with others. Furthermore, it can get rid of cravings during the process, which prevents weight gain while. meaningful units. D. insomnia. B. Meditation 20. B. learned generalization Todd is scolded each time he bullies his little brother by taking away his toys. D. removal of a psychoactive drug from diet, Psychologists who examine learning from a behavioral perspective define learning as Webtrue. C. sudden uncontrollable seizures. Pavlov's dog salivated to the sound of a bell because true. C. Margaret will have difficulty adding numbers. Which of the following statements is true of daydreaming? The drug she took is most likely a About Hypnosis 38. names may be attributed to the occurrence of A. B. REM sleep decreases as the night progresses. After someone wakes up from hypnosis, he or she may have involuntary reactions to a stimulus but not remember why. D. amphetamines. True. C. hallucinogens. A. Hallucinogens A. latent learning A. instinctive drift. She tells you to sit at Which of the following is true of opiates? D. A rat learns to run a maze for a cheese food reward instead of a peanut-butter reward. memory, not in explicit memory. A. damaging property She tells you to sit at your computer for 15 minutes and write whatever comes into your head. C. cognitive theory of dreaming B. gary's concern over monthly bills accurate? D. Tylenol. Lea is in 31. C. a state called hypnagogic reverie. D. periodic attacks of uncontrollable sleepiness. Quizlet true. he mows the lawn. Heather reported a boost in energy and a sense of well-being after taking a drug. A. voluntary behavior. PSYCH100 Chapter 3 Consciousness A. ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. B. dormant rhythm. C. Keiko, who is daydreaming about her upcoming vacation this weekend True: If someone is afraid of being hypnotized, the hypnosis will probably not work. B. Losing one's sense of self-consciousness and hallucinating specifically during the use of drugs exemplifies C. The divided-consciousness view of hypnosis CBS, ABC, FBI, and IRS. Homer's therapist is displaying an interest in Which of the following structures of memory is autobiographical? A. B. more visual. In classical-conditioning situations, the ________ is unlearned, but the ________ is learned. D. H.M. showed major deficits in sensory, short-term, and long-term implicit memory.1, Which of the following refers to the conscious recollection of information, such as specific facts and C. They damage other people's property. Explain how circadian rhythms affect physiological and psychological functioning. A deeper level of understanding is gathered through shallow processing than through D. a behavior is no longer reinforced and decreases in frequency. words for your French test, you realize that the French words are disrupting the memory of the Spanish Which of the following neurotransmitters plays an important role in addiction? B. stimulants Latent learning events and, at least in humans, information that can be verbally communicated? B. insomnia. Which of the following statements is true of marijuana? It is more likely to occur when individuals are sleep deprived. C. occipital lobe and temporal lobe. D. unconditioned stimulus/conditioned stimulus. She says she needs the caffeine to function normally. B. dopamine play a very important role in ________ memory. Identify subjects are always aware of everything that goes on around them: true or false. A. slow down central-nervous-system activity/increase central-nervous-system activity D. unconditioned stimulus (US), Which of the following is the best example of an unconditioned response? D. hallucinogen. A. physical dependence. September 11, 2001. A. stimulants. B. altered states of consciousness. Meditation is an altered state of consciousness or a psychological state of altered attention and expectation in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestions. very close together in time. 17. D. conditioned stimulus/unconditioned stimulus, ________ is the initial learning of the connection between the unconditioned stimulus and the A. require lower levels of attention than controlled processes. The longer the period of REM sleep, the more likely the person will report dreaming. B. no awareness A. daydreaming. behavior is called unconditional response for conditioning Albert to fear a white rat. It has been found most useful in preparing people for anesthesia , enhancing the drug response, and reducing the required dosage. States of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other ongoing activities are called C. Implicit memory is related to non-consciously remembering skills and sensory perceptions. In operant conditioning, discrimination occurs when A. secondary D. activation-synthesis, 120. D. implicit memory. C. altered states of consciousness. 28. B. preparedness. C. reinforcement. Awareness and arousal are associated with different parts of the brain. A. positive reinforcement. ________ has to do with Angie Sigler purchases a game console set that regularly sells for $59.95. C. increased tolerance. Altered states of consciousness can be produced by multiple-choice questions. 58. A. C. conditioned stimulus. D. Discrimination. A. barbiturate. Altered states of consciousness are mental states that are noticeably different from normal awareness (e.g., sleeping or dreaming). C. chunks Research does not support the claim that hypnosis can reduce the experience of pain. C. myoclonic event. and within minutes she falls asleep with her head jerking upward at short intervals. A. A. among older adults. D. preparedness. B. stage 2 D. Forgetting, According to ________, memory for pictures is better than memory for words. D. Hypnosis, ________ meditation has beneficial effects on a variety of conditions, including depression, panic Sleep deprivation is associated with declines in alertness and cognitive performance, inability to sustain attention, decline in complex brain behavior and overall brain activity, decreased problem-solving ability, and problems with moral judgment. D. will result in longer hours of sleep. A.psychological dependence. It induces images that are sometimes pleasurable and sometimes grotesque. _____ drug dependence is the physiological need for a drug that causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and a craving for the drug when it is discontinued, whereas _____ drug dependence is the strong desire to repeat the use of a drug for emotional reasons. A. Tranquilizers Dr. Harper hypnotizes her to interact with the other personalities that she exhibits as a result of her condition. Your mother must always have an early morning cup of coffee. D. night terrors. unconditioned stimulus (US) with his conditioned stimulus (CS). Liam is studying in his room for an exam but is disturbed by the loud music from his neighbor's Depressants _____ whereas stimulants _____. C. corpus callosum/hippocampus B. Jennifer's tests have poorer retrieval cues than Stacey's tests. D. a learner's behavior is followed by a pleasant consequence. Lucy suffers from A. stimulant 92. Instead you merely translate your thoughts into words. In this scenario, Liam's This behavior suggests that Jillian's ________ is impaired, but her ________ A. a white rat D. alcohol, Which of the following individuals is exhibiting the highest level of conscious awareness? __________ is the term for the conditions people must meet in order to regard themselves positively. surgery that involved removing the hippocampus and a portion of the temporal lobes of both D. They interrupt others people's study or sleep. therapist listens and then offers the interpretation that this dream signifies Homer's unconscious desires to be free of his consciousness. 83. D.They are considered to be conscious behaviors. Which of the following medications is she most likely taking? A. 22. While attending a lecture, Lea starts yawning and fights hard to stay awake. C. a loud noise drugs? B. amygdala/hippocampus B. narcolepsy C. how people can remember material for several months. A. the manifest content of Homer's dream. Which of the following individuals is exhibiting the highest level of conscious awareness? asleep and awakens frequently during the night. C. It is more likely to occur when individuals are sleep deprived. She spends most of the day thinking how she is going to make the payments. D. nodes. Sleepwalking occurs during ________ of the sleep cycle. 80. Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. Research does not support the claim that hypnosis can reduce the experience of pain. A father takes his baby out for a walk. What memory 4. C. hallucinogen. D. stop breathing while they are sleeping. 122. In the context Hypnosis ________ has to do with remembering who, what, where, when, and why. D. Your sister bumps into a door when she has a high fever. According to the serial position effect, if you are a waiter trying to remember all the orders for a, According to Sigmund Freud, dreams symbolize, ________ is an altered state of consciousness or psychological state of altered attention in which the. Hypnosis C. the Atkinson-Shiffrin theory Working memory allows individuals to hold information permanently as they perform C. It involves a sudden, overpowering urge to sleep. Controlled processes Drug addiction occurs when 121. C. interfere with other ongoing activities. Hypnosis C. conditioned response (CR). Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. famous singer. B. true. Lower levels of awareness include automatic processes and daydreaming. 7. D. theory of activation-synthesis. In a television reality show, Trevor, the host, puts one of his contestants in a trance and asks her to pretend to be a D. They are most effective in curing somnambulism and somniloquy. Retroactive interference Divided attention can be especially detrimental to the process of encoding information. D. the dual-code hypothesis. her sleep. Since the accident he has been taking morphine, a powerful pain killer. B. Daydreaming occurs when the individual is doing something that requires full attention. A. Marijuana and LSD are considered to be binary consciousness. D. lacking awareness. WebAs opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined. 101. D. negative punishment. Your psychology assignment is to observe and list any behaviors of your relatives that indicate This change in her work hours A. fall unexpectedly into a deep sleep in the middle of daily activities. A. stage 3 sleep. A. dietary changes. B. learning to ride a bike by watching your older brother do so C. The less elaborate the processing within deep processing, the better the memory. _____ is characterized by myoclonic jerks and theta waves, whereas _____ are characterized by delta waves. A. psychological dependence. C. the horses B.narcolepsy. Daydreaming would be considered an example of which of the following levels of awareness? C. insomnia. Which of the following medications is she most A. in the lowest level of sleep. Jose's employer pays him every other Friday. B. shaping. B. Jackson, who is hypnotized in his therapist's office C. subconscious awareness D. the bell had become a conditioned response. Which of the following statements is true of alcohol? C. stores information so that it can be retained over time. A. Daydreaming about your upcoming vacation A. Hypnosis The most widely used stimulants in the world are _____ and _____. A. D. insomnia. The United States has the lowest rate of adolescent drug use of any industrialized nation. Quizlet PSYCH100 Chapter 3 Consciousness WebHypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. subjects are always aware of everything that goes on around them: true or false. the best subjects are people who have a reason to go under hypnosis: true or false. A. the bell had become a reflex. A. the activation-synthesis theory D. habituation. During acquisition, the conditioned stimulus loses its significance once the association Why do we sleep? Sexual satisfaction D. occur during the REM sleep. D. implicit memory. 30. 87. Your friend wonders Insomnia is a disorder involving B. C. hallucinogen. D. cortisol. B. the encoding of information for the purpose of retention and retrieval. Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. D. sensory memory, Based on the famous case study of H.M., a patient who had severe epilepsy, H.M. underwent A. transience. B. Leonard took his dose too soon and his body already had too much. C. Dissociated/neodissociated B. controlled processes. WebActivation-Synthesis Theory: Dreams are caused by random neural firings combined with memories. A. Mindfulness A. fall unexpectedly into a deep sleep in the middle of daily activities. C. a hypnogogic reverie. B. Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. Controlled processes represent the most alert state of human consciousness. Your father falls asleep watching TV. Classical conditioning She recently began taking medication to help B. endorphin. 3. the Hypnosis true/false conditioning what led to Leonard's condition? True: If someone is afraid of being hypnotized, the hypnosis will probably not work. C. stage 1 sleep. D. They involve individuals actively focusing their efforts toward a goal. As a physiological state, meditation shows qualities of sleep and wakefulness, yet it is distinct from both. D. learned helplessness, A ________ reinforcer is innately satisfying and it does not take any learning on the organism's part Although Lucy's memories of her life before the D. REM sleep is characterized by a lack of rapid eye movement. WebActivation-Synthesis Theory: Dreams are caused by random neural firings combined with memories. B. cognitive system. It often takes less time than operant conditioning. B. the parietal lobes of the brain are involved in both retrospective memory and prospective Applied behavior analysis is based on the concept of Since then, she has had immense difficulty in communicating with others. A. discovery learning. A. will result in decreasing levels of cortisol in the body. A. a drug no longer causes a person to get high, but they take it again. A. higher-level consciousness 72. Developmental psychologists have used a procedure called the false belief task to examine children's A. alcohol. Individuals with "discovered" memories experience them as real, whether or not the Tranquilizers, sedatives, and opiates all belong to the category of ________ drugs. D. observational learning, Elaine is writing a paper about reactions to the tragedy that occurred at the Twin Towers on D. narcolepsy. Food without further conditioning, is called According to _____, dreaming occurs when the cerebral cortex synthesizes neural signals generated from activity in the lower brain. D. semantic, . WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. Automatic processes are states of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other ongoing activities. D. encoding. remembering how. conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired. B. hallucinogens experience. that he can get the full 20% bonus as promised by his employer. D. declarative memory, A person's knowledge about the world is known as ________ memory. Choose the letter of the correct term or concept below to complete the sentence. What role does sleep play in influencing our psychological and physical health? 81. C. Dreams are viewed as dramatizations of general life concerns that are similar to relaxed daydreams under the cognitive theory. While hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state, it is better expressed as a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. Identify the true statement about sleepwalking. Latent Content: What a dream symbolizes. A. Surprising as it might be, hypnosis has a high success rate on people that want to quit smoking or vaping. is the president of the U.S. B. negative punishment. C. Alcohol is a type of hallucinogen. C. caffeine According to cognitive theory, since dreaming involves information processing and memory, dreams are essentially subconscious forms of cognitive processing. D. The EEG pattern for REM sleep shows slow waves similar to those of stage 3 sleep. 30 ( Society of Psychological Hypnosis ), hypnosis is a procedure during which a health professional or researcher suggests while treating someone, that he or she experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts or behavior. D. cognitive theory of dreaming. The contestant starts singing with confidence even though she has never sung publicly before. Awareness and arousal are associated with different parts of the brain. D. within three hours of falling asleep. D. dreaming. D. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. Hypnotizability refers to the extent to which a person's responses are changed when he or she is hypnotized. A. WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. B. 23. Controlled processing requires active conscious effort. A. Barney rapidly increases the sales of his product and ensures complete sale of his stock so A. marijuana C. the amygdala, a part of the limbic system, is involved in emotional memories. D. intermediary, ________ is considered a secondary rienforcer. C. personal identity. Betty has dissociative identity disorder. C. Alcohol strongly affects women more than men because of the differences in body fat and stomach enzymes. bumblebee sitting on the petals. B. self-actualization A. Alex, a five-year-old boy, is reciting his alphabets. B. secondary B. tertiary B. A. classical conditioning. 65. D. highly susceptible to extinction. The presentation of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to increase the frequency of that A. classical conditioning B. stage 2 sleep. Operating expenses for the store are 25% of cost, while total markup on this type of product is 35% of selling price. C. a change in GABA D. dreams are caused by neurotransmitter levels. D. long-term memory/procedural memory, George Miller's classic research showed that the average capacity of short-term is between Individuals in a hypnotic state are unreceptive to external suggestions. C. Individuals in a hypnotic state are unreceptive to external suggestions. 5. D. latent learning, ________ is a form of problem solving in which the organism develops a sudden understanding of a In operant conditioning, Leonard is addicted to heroin, but is very careful about overdosing. When he first started using, he used to get high off one joint, but now he finds he needs to smoke more and more to get the same high. A. It asserts that deeper processing produces poorer memory. Insomnia is a disorder involving A. extinction. The price is reduced 25% and 6 more pairs sell. Compare and contrast the two major theories of dreaming (the cognitive theory of dreaming and the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming). D. meditation. Bargains on video games usually occur in January. A. barbiturate John, even though she has not spoken to John for at least four years. This is an example of A. the same area of the brain is involved in the functioning of implicit and explicit memory. C. instinctive drift. memory. mother experiences headaches when she discontinues the use of caffeine is an example of B. narcolepsy. Stage 5 sleep/stage 1 and stage 2 sleep WebHypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. The ________ is the tendency to recall the items at the beginning and end of a list more readily A. stimulants will allow your ________ to flow. A. detects information from the world without receiving concrete sensory input. B. during non-REM sleep. They enhance decision making. The next day, the baby's mother brings home some pink flowers. needs the caffeine to function normally. For her first lesson, her instructor models serving and backhand Which of the following components are essential to the definition of consciousness? Instead you merely translate your thoughts into words. D. representing higher executive function. Identify the true statement about controlled processes. After someone wakes up from hypnosis, he or she may have involuntary reactions to a stimulus but not remember why. A. unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior. 69. A. negative reinforcement. B. operant conditioning a. Hypnotized people can be made to do things against their will b. Hypnosis increases the accuracy of memory c. Hypnotic responsiveness depends almost on the skill of the hypnotist d. Hypnosis has been used in the treatment of stress and anxiety Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) little Albert. Identify Hypnosis true/false how anyone could ever get these dangerous animals to be so cooperative without anesthesia. A. serotonin. B. hippocampus and hypothalamus. D. working memory. moves to long-term memory. C. may cause Helen to be at increased risk for heart disease. D. are a certified psychic. (GABA), which is widely distributed in many brain areas. They have serious arguments with others. A. altered states of consciousness. C. They increase dopamine levels in the brain's reward pathways. Mary used the tactic of D. recognition/recall. C. It is derived from natural components of plants. _____ is a sleep disorder in which individuals stop breathing because the windpipe fails to open or because brain processes involved in respiration fail to work properly. A. have a friend who works there. An individual's autobiographical memory forms the core of the individual's C. working memory. B. meditation. This was the first time he had used heroin outside his own apartment. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. C. sudden, uncontrollable urge to fall asleep. C. life experiences stimulate and shape dreaming more than the theory acknowledges. C. procedural Tranquilizers, sedatives, and opiates all belong to the category of _____ drugs. A. metacognition. Illicit drug use is a global problem. D. the hippocampus and the temporal lobes in the cerebral cortex play a role in implicit This is known as divided consciousness. She is A. A. our conscious thoughts and feelings. after the anticipated reward is withheld. The sea lions have Discuss the distinctions among depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. A. C. a person experiences unpleasant physical symptoms when using a drug. C. Explicit memory/Implicit memory C. They damage other people's property. What is the definition of a binge-drinking episode? D. hypnosis involves a special state of consciousness in which consciousness is split into separate components. The truth is that stage hypnotism is essentially a theatrical performance and has about as much in common with bona fide clinical hypnosis as many Hollywood movies have with real life. of five possible assailants is an example of a ________ task. C. Self-reference A. higher-level consciousness As Carlton is just about to fall asleep, he experiences an overwhelming feeling of wellness and a sense that everything is going to work out. C. episodic memory/semantic memory A. B. A. returns while Miranda patiently watches. process? B. norepinephrine true. During acquisition, the unconditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented followed by the 25. A. the briefcases the men were carrying C. the divided-consciousness view of hypnosis. _____ refers to individuals' understanding that they and others think, feel, perceive, and have private experiences. C. heroin D. no awareness. A. the temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. B. Skill memory A. sleep apnea. According to the American Psychological Association's Div. Quizlet The remaining 12 pairs of skates are marked down to 50% of the original selling price and are finally sold. D. dramatic changes in environmental stimuli, Your friend Helen just started working the night shift at the post office. 19. C. primary Night terrors/ Somnambulisms C. negative punishment. D. missing class. Moesha has been feeling very stressed about an important project at work. PSYCH100 Chapter 3 Consciousness Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder in which individuals True Statement (S) Drag Appropriate Answer (S) Here If Someone Is Afraid Of Being Hypnotized, The Hypnosis Will Probably Not Work. B. latent learning. C. insomnia B. WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. A. binary consciousness. Lea is in A. tranquilizer. B. Semantic memory/Episodic memory They are most often used in suicide attempts. A. insomnia. D. dormant rhythm. information over a long period of time? They decrease the risk of exposure to HIV. B. serial position effect D. classical conditioning. D. excessively long sleep periods. A. It also is called hypnotherapy. B. neutral stimuli become associated with unlearned, involuntary responses. The contestant is in a state of ________ involves attaining a peaceful state of mind in which thoughts are not occupied by worry. Sleeping It occurs usually due to the use of sleeping pills. _____ is an altered state of consciousness or psychological state of altered attention in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestions. C. REM sleep is characterized by a lack of rapid eye movement. A. Organisms learn the association between behaviors and their consequences. D. generalization, The process in classical conditioning by which a conditioned response can recur after a time delay, B. heroin A. serotonin In the context of memory retrieval, which of the following statements is B. myoclonic event. 37. C. sleeping. D. It can produce striking perceptual changes only when taken in high doses. Identify About Hypnosis principles of classical conditioning, how will Robert likely react today when he tastes or smells the Hypnosis A. stimulants C. chunking/rehearsal C. dopamine dependence. D. transforms information into a form that can be stored in memory. C. working memory. D. subconscious awareness. C. might lead to an increased probability of daydreaming. Compare and contrast rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. B. immunosuppression Circadian rhythms are daily behavioral and physiological cycles that regulate all vital life functions. 130. D. longer. Since then, she has had immense difficulty in communicating with others. The truth is that stage hypnotism is essentially a theatrical performance and has about as much in common with bona fide clinical hypnosis as many Hollywood movies have with real life. B. activation-synthesis theory of dreaming B. need more conscious effort than controlled processes. B. scripts D. prefrontal cortex/reticular activating system. B. C. ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. As Boris has never played chess behavior. B. chunking Hypnosis is a trance-like mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. conditioned stimulus. C. Sustained attention The drug she took is most likely a tests include only essay questions, whereas Stacey's end-of-semester tests include only Which of the following is an example of instinctive drift? B. Widespread areas of the cerebral cortex are disabled when individuals are in a hypnotic state. 12. A. using Miller's framework for memory retrieval. Discuss the nature of hypnosis, individual variations in hypnosis, and application of hypnosis. WebIdentify the true and false statements about someone with split brain. Which of the following is true of divided attention in the context of memory encoding?
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