Feedback: INCORRECT D) environmental hazards. (4) An *emergency database* calls for rapid collection of data, which commonly occurs while performing lifesaving measures. Advance Health Assessment Exam 1 2022 - AHA Exam 1 Review What does it mean to practice with a - Studocu Advanced Health Assessment 2022 exam one review notes aha exam review what does it mean to practice with patient centered approach? The nurse questions the reliability of the history provided by the patient. * Spirituality is defined as: * Second, note the *source of the history*, which is usually the patient, but may be someone else, such as a relative or interpreter. D) helps the nurse understand his or her own feelings in relation to the patient's verbal message. Socialization is the process of being raised within a culture and acquiring the characteristics of that group. Chapter 9 - General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs Health Assessment Exam 1 Notes - HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 - StuDocu On the basis of median age: *Feedback: CORRECT* B) Heritage consistency *Ethnicity* pertains to membership in a social *group that claims to possess a common* geographic origin, migratory status, religion, race, language, shared values, traditions or symbols, and food preferences. Learn to communicate effectively with *patients who have special needs*, such as those with a hearing impairment, acute illness, or intoxication and those who are sexually aggressive, angry, anxious, violent, or in tears. These discrete areas include understanding of: (Select all that apply.) *Clarification. B) impedes further discussion. The problem/focused history: for when the problem is A) hearing loss C) the response of the whole person to actual or potential problems. B) personal response to stress. The health history will assess lifestyle, including such factors as exercise, diet, risk reduction, and health promotion behaviors. Objective Chapter 15 - Ears Feedback: INCORRECT Parents or caretakers accompany children to the health care setting. Feedback: INCORRECT Health Assessment Quizzes & Trivia - ProProfs physical examination and health assessment 8th . *complete health history data category 2. D) minorities tend to be older than non-Hispanic white populations. In the biomedical or scientific theory, high-level wellness (or health) exists with optimal functioning of the human body. *Feedback: CORRECT* When making decisions about health, patients may rely on relationships with others, and their behavior may depend on the opinion of others. To aid in this process, draw a pedigree or genogram. Prepare yourself to test your knowledge with this Health assessment MCQs quiz. A) Episodic C) Health exists in the absence of illness. An episodic database is for a limited or short-term problem; this database concerns mainly one problem, one cue complex, or one body system. Questions should move from expected and less-threatening questions to those that are more personal. What are the four kinds of databases? Limited English proficiency is associated with a lower quality of care. 2. Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Socialization is the process of being raised within a culture and acquiring the characteristics of that group. *C) use short, simple, concrete sentences. It is including subjective and objective information of patient medication. A) "I know just how you feel." Advanced Health Assessment: Exam 1 Flashcards Quizlet Health (6 days ago) WebThe inventory history: touches the major points without going into detail; when the entire history will take multiple sessions. Silence is golden after open-ended questions. For the well person, the present health or history of present illness is a short statement about the general state of health. Ethnicity pertains to a social group within the social system that claims to possess variable traits. If you find it helpful, use the mnemonic PQRSTU to do this. - *G* Guilty - Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking? C) helps the patient understand personal feelings in relation to his or her verbal message. A) participating in religious services on a regular basis. To determine the patient's perception of pain, the nurse would determine the meaning of the symptom by asking how it affects daily activities and what the patient thinks the pain means. Detailed explanations would be more appropriate for a school-age child, adolescent, or adult. During the interview, the nurse learns that the client wants . If the person answers "yes" to 2 or more CAGE questions, you should suspect alcohol abuse and continue with a more complete substnce abuse assessment. Appearance, dress, and hygiene are observations included in the general survey. ATI health assessment exam 1, 2 and final.docx - Search - A developmental overview, D) Patients with language barriers have a decreased risk of nonadherence to medication regimens. A patient admitted to the hospital with asthma has the following problems identified based on an admission health history and physical assessment. Health Assessment (NUR 2092) The United States Supreme Court (POLUA333) Values Based Leadership (D253) Managing Projects And Programs (BUS 5611) Newest Marketing Management (D174) Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461) Professional Capstone Project (PSY-495) Theology (104) Feedback: INCORRECT D) Reliability of informant. - *C* Cut down - Have you ever thought you should cut down your drinking? Chapter 11 health practice test answers - Math Workbook Empathy means viewing the world from the other person's inner frame of reference. The interpretation by the nurse will improve communication. A) the patient's perception of pain. It focuses on collecting data on biophysical signs and symptoms and on curing disease. * First, collect *biographic data*, such as the patient's name, address, and date of birth as well as language and communication needs. Which of the following assessment techniques will best allow the nurse to collect Category: Health Show Health The *depth of information* obtained for each health history category may vary from one setting to another. Functional assessment includes questions on substance use and abuse. 4 steps to health assessment 1. collection of subjective data 2. collection of objective data 3. validation of data 4. documentation of data 4 techniques used to collect objective data 1. inspection 2. palpation 3. percussion 4. auscultation purpose of the interview is to: establish rapport during the interview, it is important to identify what? Pain is a very private, subjective experience that is greatly influenced by cultural heritage. D) The phlegm will be replaced with dryness. D) Complete. D) use detailed explanations. *Cultural care* is professional health care that is culturally sensitive, appropriate, and competent. B) use nonverbal communication. C) a record of objective findings. You must be aware of *traditional folk practices* and assess them. *Feedback: CORRECT* Feedback: INCORRECT Which of the following strategies should the nurse use with this client? Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides people with limited English proficiency access to health care; these individuals cannot be denied health care services. *, *Heritage consistency* is the degree to which *a person's lifestyle reflects his or her traditional heritage. Refer to feedback in Option B. The purpose of the assessment is to collect pertinent patient health status data, identify abnormal findings, Identify patient's strength and coping resources. Euphemisms are used to avoid reality or to hide feelings. A) There are laws addressing language barriers and health care. Feedback: INCORRECT This option is not within the context of the interview. If you use it too often, you take over at the patient's expense. *complete health history data category 8.*. A) physical findings, such as skin appearance, to support historic data. B) reduce noise by turning the volume on the television or radio down. When exchanging information, both individuals engage in *verbal and nonverbal communication*. C) used to evaluate cause and etiology of disease. B) pain When considering cultural competence, there are discrete areas that the nurse must develop knowledge of to understand the health care needs of others. In the hot/cold theory, health consists of a positive state of total well-being, including physical, psychologic, spiritual, and social aspects of the person. * Use both inductive and deductive reasoning to develop your argument. View Health Assessment Exam 1.docx from NURS 220 at West Virginia Wesleyan College. *Second-level priority problems* are next in urgency. C) Health exists in the absence of illness. Health Assessment Exam 1 Notes - HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 NOTES Chapter 4 The Complete Health - Studocu Comprehensive review of Nursing Health Assessment Exam 1 for Professor Saifman. Which of the following is included in documenting a history source? Depression is assessed during the review of systems and during the mental status assessment (mood and affect). [Show more] In this situation, the nurse identified the patient's personal feelings in relation to the patient's verbal message. Communication is the *exchange of information* so that each person clearly understands the other. Heritage consistency includes determination of a person's *cultural, ethnic, and religious background and socialization experiences.*. *, *External factors* relate mainly to the *physical setting.*. *complete health history data category 6.*. ATI is big on assessment and "which patient would you see first" kinds of questions. (8) Talking too much, The adolescent interview during the health history should be with the youth alone. Behavior theory or behaviorism is a learning theory. In this situation, the nurse's verbal interpretation: Feedback: INCORRECT Chapter 11 - Nutritional Assessment 1. initial comprehensive. (1) Providing false assurance or reassurance, B) Cognition and literacy level Aggravating factors are determined by asking the patient what makes the pain worse. After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted that his respirations are eupneic, and his pulse is 58 beats per minute. These areas are related to the activity and exercise section of the of the functional assessment. Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. *B) the absence of disease. Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. (3) *closing. Chapter 10 - Pain Assessment: the 5th vital sign I would like for her to wear a Holter monitor and I will review the results with her when available. Health Assessment exam 2 - 1- When assessing the abdomen, the nurse performs the following - Studocu Assignments when assessing the abdomen, the nurse performs the following examination techniques. D) ask every youth about the use of condoms. In the United States, about *one* in *eight* people are *immigrants. A) Good is hot. Feedback: INCORRECT An emergency database is rapid collection of the data often obtained concurrently with lifesaving measures. What type of data is this? CAGE is a screening questionnaire to identify excessive or uncontrolled drinking (e.g., C = Cut down; A = Annoyed; G = Guilty; E = Eye opener). Which of the following statements, if made by the interviewer, would be an appropriate response? D) environmental hazards Feedback: INCORRECT * This response echoes the patient's words. Whose story is the narrator telling? Feedback: INCORRECT D) prevention of disease. A follow-up database is used to follow-up short-term or chronic health problems; the statuses of identified problems are evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. B) Risk for infection B) Limited English proficiency is associated with a higher quality of care. Health Assessment Exam 1 | Quiz - GoConqr A) the patient's perception of pain. Reflection is repeating part of what the person has just said. B) the Hispanic population tends to be older. *Feedback: CORRECT* On further exploration, the nurse asks, "What makes the headaches worse?" Objective data is what the health professional observes; level of consciousness and orientation are observations. This option is not within the context of the interview. It links events, makes associations, or implies cause: "It seems that every time you feel the stomach pain, you have had some kind of stress in your life." (3) Using authority, * Reflection is repeating part of what the person has just said. Feedback: INCORRECT Third-level priority problems are those that are import to the patient's health but can be addressed after more urgent health problems are addressed. In the United States, about __ in __ people are *immigrants*. Feedback: INCORRECT * *C) symptoms. Braden Scale Used to assess skin breakdown by totaling scores from six sub-scales: sensory, perception, moisture, activity, mobili-ty, nutrition, and friction. * Fifth, investigate *past health events*, such as illnesses, injuries, hospitalizations, and allergies as well as current medications. (4) it is *dynamic* and ever changing. Feedback: INCORRECT Refer to feedback in option B. Feedback: INCORRECT D) The phlegm will be replaced with dryness. ach culture has its own healers who usually: Health Assessment Flashcards | Quizlet *C) Emergency* A) distancing language. A) Appearance, dress, and hygiene * Sixth, gather a *family history* to help detect health risks for the patient. B) Health exists when physical, psychologic, spiritual, and social needs are met. When addressing a toddler during the interview, the health care provider should: D) A sore throat A) decreased range of motion. A) unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. B) use nonverbal communication. Exam (elaborations) - Shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity (subjective data+medicatio. Feedback: INCORRECT D) depression. Feedback: INCORRECT During a mental status examination, the nurse wants to assess a patient's affect. D) the heritage of the patient. D) food intolerance. *B) a personal effort to find meaning and *purpose in life. However, you should *address all categories* before making a diagnosis or judgment about the patient's health status. (2) *working phase*, *First-level priority problems* are emergent, life-threatening, and immediate, such as establishing an airway or supporting breathing. Coping patterns would include methods to relieve stress. Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about a person's response to an actual or potential health state. The nurse's feelings are not the barrier to communication in this situation. C) 9 C) Adolescents Feedback: INCORRECT The *holistic health model* assesses the whole person because it views the mind, body, and spirit as interdependent and functioning as a whole within the environment. A) used to rapidly collect data and is often compiled concurrently with life-saving measures. Which of the following is considered an example of objective data? *Empathy* means viewing the world from the other person's inner frame of reference while remaining yourself. Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Which of the following is true regarding language barriers and health care? * Finally, perform a *functional assessment*, including activities of daily living, such as bathing dressing, toileting, eating, walking, housekeeping, shopping, cooking, and other factors. B) used for a limited or short-term problem usually consisting of one problem, one cue complex, or one body system. Framework for Health Assessment in Nursing 1. When preparing the physical setting for an interview, the interviewer should: B) a personal effort to find meaning and purpose in life. C) An earache The four humors of the body include the blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile; the humors regulate basic bodily functions and are described in terms of temperature, dryness, and moisture. Nonverbal communication is the primary communication method for infants. *Feedback: CORRECT* D) "You are upset about the level of pain, right?" Open-ended questions and statements ask for narrative information; they state the topic to be discussed, but only in general terms. Beverages, foods, herbs, medicines, and diseases are classified as hot or cold according to their perceived effects on the body, not on their physical characteristics. * B) the absence of disease. B) "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" When taking an *older adult's health history*, also ask additional questions. D) the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* Refer to feedback in option B. *Culture* has which four characteristics? B) sympathetic language. (9) Interrupting, Feedback: INCORRECT The non-Hispanic, single-race white population was older than the population as a whole; the respective median ages were 40.8 and 36.6 years. For example, explore *changes in activities of daily living* that may result from the aging process or chronic illness. Assessment of self-esteem and self-concept is part of the functional assessment. B) empathy. Simply maintaining eye contact, shifting forward in your seat with increased attention, nodding "Yes," or using your hand to gesture, "Yes, go on, I'm with you," encourage the person to continue talking. Medical diagnoses are used to evaluate the cause or etiology of disease. - Touch. - Facial expression, A patient seeks care for "debilitating headaches that cause excessive absences at work." B) a documentation of the problem as perceived by the patient. What information is included in greater detail when taking a health history on an infant? Feedback: INCORRECT Health assessment also should consider what two other factors? A) Good is hot. *Communication* carries you and the patient through the interview. * Before you can understand the role that beliefs and values play in a person's life, you must understand culturally dominant values and personal values. B) Follow-up A) 5 B) Preschoolers *A) Health exists when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance. Range of motion is assessed by inspection. According to the biomedical model, a narrow definition of health is: Feedback: INCORRECT * On further exploration, the nurse asks, "What makes the headaches worse?" Which of the following statements, if made by the interviewer, would be an appropriate response? Parents or caretakers accompany children to the health care setting. It is smaller in scope and more targeted than the complete database. An emergency database is rapid collection of the data often obtained concurrently with lifesaving measures. Norton Scale Used to assess skin breakdown by totaling scores from five . A) nutritional data
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