I poured my heart out to her, knowing she wouldnt judge me. Get started today with instant access to my FREE 30 minute career coaching webinar when you join my mailing list. Feel the feelings Let them out, giveyour anxiety, your worry your darkest fears a voice. 114. When you are going through the anxiety of waiting for test results, the last thing you need to be is hard on yourself. ", Decision-making can be difficult at a time like this, so reduce the amount of decisions that your friend needs to make. As you wait for your test results, you may want to take some action on your health to give you a feeling of extra control over your health. "Your life is your message to the world. Let this encourage you out of giving up. Talk it out to bring it down to size. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." You will pass, 5. "You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.". Never doubt who you are." The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. Words are a powerful thing. Her doctor never bothered to call her, so she had to book her own follow-up appointment. Amelia Earhart. Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing ok. If the news is good, take your friend out to celebrate, and remember that experiencing this kind of fear can be exhausting, even when things end well. You may feel tense and your mind may be troubled with how this diagnosis may affect you and your loved ones. "Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. I believe it had come to make me realise at a deeper level that we are meant to have both a spiritual and a human experience. I am allowing that to emerge in its own time. - Mark Twain. Dont overthink about the exam result, its potential in you that will lead to your success. Blake Lively. The two polarities of life dancing together in one moment. Japanese Proverb. Amidst the anxious waiting, try to spend some chunks of time when you connect with the feelings of things going well. When we are truly mindful, we can connect with our inner self and with the peace that is available to as at all times. - William James. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A free CaringBridge online health journal allows you to update everyone at once and offers a scheduling tool to help you coordinate caring tasks. . Web Design by Thats Her Business. Longest minutes in life: 1. She went home and spent the next two weeks convinced she had breast cancer. 72. Faith can move mountains. I know there is a deeper message for me or something I need to acknowledge and release. It can help you recognise that we are all connected and we are all having a human experience together, with all its struggles and its pleasures. Having been fortunate enough not to ever need to go to hospital or undergo anything other than a routine medical procedure, this was a very scary time for me. I spent the weekend on the couch, contemplating my own mortality. This, too, shall pass. I hope they release you . It comes from what you do consistently. Aristotle, 65. By commenting you accept the CaringBridge Terms of Use and Privacy and Cookie Policy. Acceptance that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that can involve pain, discomfort and challenge. I'm strong and I have a good family who will stand by me. Related: 100 Quotes to Get You Through a Tough Time. 6. Keep the faith. "Ring the bells that still can ring. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. Perhaps there's a . Dont forget to take notice of how far you have come! Admitting When your patient needs the hospital, or the ICU. 140. Keep pushing. Or, if they don't feel like . Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 57. There is a reason why I call you Mr. Numero Uno. Your speed doesnt matter. You can do things that bring you joy, as well as things that make you feel more productive and in control of your life. 71. To check in with ourselves and notice what our thoughts are focused on and what tension we may be holding in our bodies. 98. Give me the strength to understand what these anxieties of these medical tests mean for my life - whatever the outcome of them. 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety While Waiting for Imaging Test Results. This exam quote is about more than just motivation, it also reminds us as students that test success isn't just about putting in as many hours as possible. I knew that this had come to awaken me even further. 1. 118. Never say 'die'. 103. To gently put out there the possibility that this has come to awaken you too. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia Book 3: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Its only natural to worry. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Talking with someone who has cancer. Youre being so strongand patient. I focused on the 10% chance of what could be as opposed to the 90% chance. It can help ground and root you in a place of calm and trust. This phrase does the exact opposite. Phrases to use when someone is facing a hard decision. The reason was I didnt know how he would take it. "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." As I was met in the hospital entrance by a kind volunteer and taken to my appointment on a buggy, I knew without question that my Mum was with me (she hated walking anywhere). 2). Herbert Newton Casson. Even if (especially if) you feel like doing them less. It presented itself as a low-lying background anxiety for much of my adult life. This really is a moment-to-moment practice. Research shows that encouragement cards are the latest trend and Hallmark reports 90 percent of customers want a wider selection to . Terms. Inspirational words: "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." Pablo Picasso. - Martin Luther King Jr. "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.". It is tempting to say, "You will be fine," but you both know that you can't make that guarantee. The only real failure is to give up. Consider what you can do which feels nurturing or uplifting. Believe you can do it, all the best in your exams. 109. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it! 4. "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." I confess I didn't study as I intended. Feel free to share your stories and ideas in the comments below. If youre looking for some inspiration, we share some quotes of hope to send healing well wishes your loved ones way. I am now making a new commitment to my physical wellbeing. It had come to make me sit up and take note of my physical health, having focused all my energy until now on my mental and spiritual health. 4. 104. Forgive my failures in carrying the cross. Even the happiest person you know may have days when they feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or depressed. "Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud.". Look at it this way: You've already survived 100% of your worst days! I read between the lines and assumed I had all the information to give myself a reasonably accurate diagnosis. "Get well soon, sis, so I can drop over and bother you!" 2. 142. encouragement: 1 n the act of giving hope or support to someone Synonyms: boost Types: morale booster , morale building anything that serves to increase morale Type of: aid , assist , assistance , help the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose n the expression of approval and support . All of this is ready for you when you start your personal CaringBridge site, which is completely free of charge, ad-free, private and secure. Work for it. "A little progress each day adds up to big results." Anonymous. Dont let how you feel make you forget what you deserve. Whether your test results are good or bad, you are going to be able to deal with it. Be with me, Lord, during this hard time of waiting. It's important to remember that vitamins and supplements cannot take the place of a healthy diet. By: Pretty Darn Cute Design. "No matter what youre going through, theres a light at the end of the tunnel." My prayer is that while you are waiting on whatever it is you need, these words will be of some encouragement for you. I end this story with some wisdom of my own. Although I'm healed and healthy today, I spent many hours in the waiting room. Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going. And, with the tools I have shared with you, I feel equipped to maintain the equanimity which I have been so fascinated by this year. Comfort me with the assurance Your Word says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me. If youd like to participate, please send a blog post to community@themighty.com. I could either tie myself up in knots for two days (which served no purpose) or I could enjoy the fun things I had planned and connect myself with the positive, higher vibration energy which I knew was more likely to bring about the result I wanted. Rather than trying to put a brave face on or pretending that you are strong and brave, give this part of you an outlet. We asked the CaringBridge community, many of whom have experienced this exact situation, their thoughts on what to say during these hard times. Waiting a long time for a diagnosis that has serious implications can lead to feelings of having no control over things or being overwhelmed. I am now entering a period of healing. 68. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." 127. From riven rocks and fern-clad chasms deep, Flow living waters as from hearts that weep, There in the afterglow soft dews distill, And angels tend God's plants when night falls still, And the Beloved passing by that way. A good story of this is when one woman went in for a mammogram because of some breast pain she was having. This is just a small sampling of ideas for helping someone through a tough time. 97. 7. 50. 34. "Change your thoughts, and you change your world.". Judy Garland. People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them. Acceptance and surrender does not need to be a passive state. To check in with ourselves and notice what our thoughts are focused on and what tension we may be holding in our bodies. You relinquish resistance and connect with the higher vibration of trust. Lots of distractions, like watching a lot of movies/TV or YouTube, or playing games., Patiencestressing only adds to the anxiety. 12. You never know who will need a little positive power in their life, and one of these encouraging sayings just might do the trick to brighten someones day! And then consciously choosing to change and release them. 2. Congratulate yourself for waiting a day, two days, or longer. Rather than trying to put a brave face on or pretending that you are strong and brave, give this part of you an outlet. You are not just meant to survive life and jail but to thrive in life and change the world. The weekend before my test results, I realised I had two choices. DO say, "It's okay not to be the perfect sick person.". 2. This is a real game-changer. Pictured above is Claire Schwab, whose story is part of the CaringBridge How We Heal Series. And as I prayed the day of the results, I again heard the four words that eventually restored my faith and helped me find my inner strength: You are a warrior.. Suddenly, through the fear gripping my heart and uncertainty clouding my mind, I heard the four words my friend so lovingly wrote me playing in my head. I invite you to challenge your belief that you will not be able to handle it. But the nurse had told me I needed someone with me after the biopsy, as well as to be with me for the results. 42. Waiting for that one text/call from the one you love. Youre doing exactly what you should be doing. Recognise that you also have your Higher Self to call on. Know that the more you practice patience now, the more capable you will be of handling lifes roadblocks and bumps as you move forward and there will be many roadblocks and bumps along the way. Just sending you a quick note to let you know that youre on my mind and in my prayers. But, going into a Google deep dive around your symptoms is guaranteed to make you more stressed out as you wait for your test results. Don't assume the worst. 125. You are a work in progress, which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once. Neither was my mother. - Maya Angelou. Dr. Seuss. It just means you try anyway. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling. Muah. I believe in you! Eventually, she got a call from another doctor, because her doctor went on vacation, and he told her that she had a small cyst, and it was nothing to worry about. I know you are going to do great. No explanation needed as to how or why, just an unwavering faith in whatever divine higher power you believe in. 46. 105. The time is always right to do what is right.". 101. When we are truly mindful, we can connect with our inner self and with the peace that is available to as at all times. Read these words of support, which are inspirational words for so many. "Nothing is impossible. Related: 101 Anxiety Quotes to Lift Your Spirits. Serena Williams. Practice being present For me, this represents the biggest opportunity from waiting for test results, and also the most instant form of relief to help manage your anxiety. Articles like this, featuring the experience of patients and family caregivers, are compiled by our staff. Dream big and dare to fail. 3. Be more open to learning new things, a clear growth trajectory always includes the learning process. You shouldnt be in any doubt, success comes to those who work for it and I know you did our best. Wishing you all the best for your upcoming exams. If you are in pain, and you normally work out during the day, you probably should skip the workout, but try to stick to your routine as closely as possible. As you wait for test results, you may get upset with how long you waited to seek help and worry that you let your issue go too long. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Set some goals and start working towards them. God has a plan for each and everyones life and its up to us to be faithful. Ibelievethat we all have a purpose here on earth and that life is too short to be stressed, unfulfilled and playing small. And that might be a good thing. Remember that your feelings are normal. 74. Plenty of fresh experiences to take anyone's mind off the uncertainty ahead! But deep down I also had this knowing that this too shall pass and that there was a much bigger picture which was playing out here. They can build someone up or tear them down. Bible Verses about Waiting on the Lord. 84. 70. Consider what you can do which feels nurturing or uplifting. Stick to your daily routine. 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 59. I hope that when youre given the opportunity, you will speak words of encouragement, kindness, love and hope. Once the test results come in, remember that your friend may still need some help and attention. "Every winner has scars.". And in those first few weeks of motherhood, when it feels like you're feeding constantly, it certainly can be. Coronavirus (COVID-19):latest updates and how to get care. 108. Be thankful for the hard times; they can only make you stronger.". I realised that the Universe had gifted me the opportunity to test out my ability to practice equanimity. Talk to someone you trust about how you're feelingexpressing your emotions and feeling understood can help improve your mood. "Anythings possible if youve got enough nerve." Whether for a general exam or a specific health problem, there is often so much information to process that we don't think to ask questions during our visit or simply feel embarrassed to ask. - Norman Vincent Peale. Encouragement is that key of miracle which can ignite the spark of confidence and motivation in anybody. To your loved one, that simple act may mean more than youll ever know. You can freeze it if you don't want it tonight. Words Quotes. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." Below, weve put together a roundup of encouraging words meant to inspire, uplift, and support someone who is struggling. Instead of getting anxious about test results. Forward is forward. This really is a moment-to-moment practice. Would you prefer lasagna or soup?". Your exams are nearing, so study with dedication and you will succeed in your exams. The weekend before my test results, I realised I had two choices. 3. Be There. 28. Dreams don't work unless you do. Gwyn Muckelt. 25. 7. 51. . Mary Engelbreit. 2. Be sure to read your loved ones response too. You may ask if theres anything you can do for them, whether thats watching their kids or sending dinner so they dont have to worry about cooking a meal. 45. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 149. 146. Weve got friends for our happiest days and saddest moments. 6. And to help you strengthen your connection to Source (in a way that can also be felt across all other areas of your life). Simply a text or phone call each day to say Im thinking about you might be just enough. Try to do something fun together to help take everyone's mind off of the matter at hand. But, short of being a doctor and having access to results, we simply dont always get that luxury. I listened to that inner guidance, not knowing 100% why but trusting the feeling. 9. If you stumble, make it part of the dance. (You can catch up on what I'm referring to in the post, Have Courage and Be Kind, and the follow-up post, A Quick Health Update For You.) Don't make light of, judge, or try to change the way the person feels or acts. An inspirational video conversation with Bob Baker. But there are ways to cope. Lauren Rodriguez is a thirtysomething author. In many cases, people want to talk about anything but the upcoming test results, so don't be afraid to steer the conversation toward a favorite or lighter topic. Whether thats watching a whole box set on Netflix, having a lovely candlelit bath or listening to some of your favourite tunes. To become even more present and to put my physical health first. It's scary to think that someone you care about might have an illness, but remember that the focus here should not be your feelings, but those of your friend. So, dont beat yourself up as you are worrying. It took a few days for her to get back to me. Martha Graham. Wasnt that enough? You dont have to be gloomy just because you are waiting for your exams. The two weeks which followed were up there with the most anxious of my life. Even if things are as bad as you imagine, spending weeks making yourself sick over it is not going to help anything. Dr. I beseech You humbly for (mention the type of medical test) to have a good outcome (mention the desired outcome), if it be Your Holy Will. 15. Try focusing on what you can do right now. Things I had been putting off are now being made a priority. Connect with someone youve been wanting to connect with. I cant wait to catch up with you soon so you can fill me in on all thats been going on in your life. I invite you to challenge your belief that you will not be able to handle it. 8: Be alert and of sober mind. 2. Keep busy - or keep still. With no one else to turn to, I sent a message to someone I knew I could count on. You will not just be left in the dust to struggle with the results. However, there are a number of things you can do to be a friend and support a loved one who is waiting on test results and experiencing these feelings. Here are some other affirmations you can use to ease stress and anxiety. It always seems impossible until its done. A spiritual crisis in a way. Rock your tests. Once inside the privacy of my house, I broke down. This totally sucks, but you totally dont suck! 41. "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun." Katharine Hepburn. Watch out you dont miss the happy moments in life just because of test results. - Vivian Greene. "Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within . "I'm going to be right here waiting for you when you get out. I know you will succeed in life regardless of your exam results. - Audrey Hepburn. This is not a time for seated meditation on the nature of your breath. Eleanor Roosevelt, Related: Inspirational Quotes About Mental Health. The night before I met with the consultant to get my test results, a deep inner calm came over me. It allows us to deal with situations out of our control with more grace and less stress, which is good for our mental health as well as our physical health. Don't give up. I just wanted to do a little chatting with you today, and say a few things that have been on my heart lately. You try to focus on happy thoughts and convince yourself that everything is going to be just fine, but worst-case scenarios keep popping into your head. It doesnt matter what others are doing. 1. Hugs and kisses! God gave you this life because he knew you were strong enough to live it. A change, as they say, is as good as a rest. Say something nice. For example, pregnant women should eat multiple servings of fresh green vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. And so, for the week which followed, I decided I needed to draw on my reserves and use this health challenge to strengthen me instead of taking me under. The next few days were a blur. My heart goes out to you. Worrying is a natural response to unsettling news. All rights reserved. A second chance to put life in a new perspective. Exams are important but they never determine your worth. By staying conscious and transmuting our suffering into awakening, I believe that we can all become alchemists. The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them. It all makes perfect sense now. May we raise them." Anonymous. The best view comes after the hardest climb. She lives with my tabby cat, Rajah. The waiting for my test results was, at times, excruciating. Funny Quotes. When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try it one more time. Look forward to tomorrow. You have come this far, and you have succeeded, you only have a little way to go. Listen to these words of encouragement when you're feeling down. 30. What have you got to lose in believing in them? 13. Good luck today! "It doesnt matter who you are, where you come from. Try to focus his/her attention on the importance of perseverance. Find out an answer to a question youve been thinking about. But what happens a few months later when you have to go back to work? I could either tie myself up in knots for two days (which served no purpose) or I could enjoy the fun things I had planned and connect myself with the positive, higher vibration energy which I knew was more likely to bring about the result I wanted.