Linn, not certain if there is a name for this fear, but clearly you may want to see someone to help you resolve this, especially if it has been going on for a while or if it is getting worse. 2020;9:F1000 Faculty Rev-195. Someone with agoraphobia is afraid of being trapped in a public place or a place like a bridge or a line at the bank. Hello! Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia Fear of skin disease.. Not Large Objects. I wasnt sure but when i typed into the search bar this came up. Why does Gary Soto's work seem autobiographical? Knowing the name will not help them help you, but they will and should ask you questions that can lead to finding out how you can release the fear. Your situation sounds more like OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), both for the germs and the car lights. Entomophobia Fear of insects. The memory of that nightmare comes rushing back, and I will just about panic if I cant make the sound stop. Im not scared of razors but I can go numb and worse if Im getting hurt with it (not because of the pain but just the act). This fear most likely can be overcome, but you will have to find someone to work with you, since you probably wouldnt be able to do this on your own. When I subscribe to a famous person's YouTube channel or follow them on Instagram, I'm terrified they're going to private message me and ask me to hang out or something. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013. Is there a fear of developing the same attitude or behaviour of someone else by just watching them or being with them. Suddenly, you feel an uneasiness giving way to terror, but you're not sure why. Scopophobia, scoptophobia, or ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. Apparently Adele's phobia of seagulls all started when she was 9 years old. If this is a big enough problem, you may want to see someone. So, to say that such phobias only happen because there is a fear that no trauma might trigger such fear, is incorrect. ! Please help, Mary, while this is not a diagnosis, it sounds like there are many dynamics at play here, from the inability to trust your own perspectives, to some form of disconnect between your emotions and thoughts to an excessive need to please others. what is this called? After THAT moment at the EMA's earlier this year we're judging Zac may no longer be so afraid of being in the buff in public. On the contrary, if Im the one with the problem Ill wont say anything to a person for months at a time and it gets me super depressed because nothing changes. Chronophobia Fear of future I never talked about it and havent thought of it till I came on this site. So I coined the term achillephobia a while ago. I am assuming you experience this, so we know it is real, but it may not be a phobia. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Basically if theres something and it makes noise im scared its going to explode, Can you have the fear, yes. Does this phobia have a Latin or Greek name did these cultures partake or know of tea drinking? The model and reality star revealed on her website that she's terrified of anything with small holes: honeycomb and mousse included. it doesnt matter if its a family member a boyfriend or just a friend. Dont think that if you dont have a name for it that it makes the fear less likely to overcome, that is a silly idea. Its like having an eating disorder like anorexia except you dont want to lose weight and you dont want to be malnourished- it literally just feels impossible to swallow (and there is a fear of choking sort of its hard to explain) I had it when I was 11 for about a year and a half and it destroyed my social life, altered me forever. Is this a separate phobia or just an extension of the predetermined? COPYRIGHT 2005-2023 Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd.. What a good therapist will find out is what is it that is allowing this construct to be present in you and what needs to change so you can let it go, Tropophobia Can also be having fear of small holes or clustered patterns all close together I know that because I suffer from it. Um, hi, Im Alyssa, and I was wondering what the fear of imperfection is called? Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone. Dipsophobia Fear of drinking. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. What are you afraid of? The Phobia List of Interesting and Common Fears by Category, what is the fear of things crawling on you - seekanswer, what do you call someone who is afraid to speak their mind infopvp. It's weird, but it's true. But you do have points of view you want to express and any point of view could be viewed as hostile by someone from some perspective. I think that somehow a little magic door is going to open up and let the shark out.". They are just labels. And slightly afraid of this with strangers? A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. More surprising is the fact that these stars are not shy of admitting to their fears. Urophobia Fear of urine or urinating. I am assuming there is one, This would fall under the heading of agoraphobia, which is the fear of large or open places, Depends on whats causing it. Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. So, in the 6th grade my school had a track and the pavement was cracked and it had leaves coming out. Carnophobia Fear of meat. The worldwide speculation over whether Kylie Jenner and Hailey Bieber dissed Selena Gomez's eyebrows has proven yet again that celebrity feuds can be sparked by the most bizarre of reasons. Erin, that these picture bring up strong emotional responses in you that are not fear, euggests something else is going on. Often referred to as CBT, cognitive behaviorial therapy involves learning to identify the underlying negative thoughts that contribute to feelings of fear. It tends to only be wet grass though I have tried searching for it but i can only find fear of grass. People can be afraid of pretty much anything, including hated, i need to know the name of the fear of rejection. If not, you may want to work on your self esteem and value. Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. I dont know why, it just freaks me out and sometimes makes me feel like Ill faint. I have slight PTSD and a fear of adult figures. Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent. I have a fear of touching and feeling my own bones. There may also be other things going on, but not enough info to be sure. Is this a fear? According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), approximately 12.5% of adults in the U.S. will deal with a specific phobia in their lifetime. Thank you. While putting a label on fears can be interesting, what is of real value is knowing how to deal with the fear you have and taking the steps needed to overcome them. I have to take a picture of the switch so I know I did it. Maybe someone else can answer this one. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. Or you're just a homophobe. to control things that are not in your control. Tetanophobia- Fear of lockjaw, tetanus. Trypanophobia Fear of injections. right okay so last night I had the SCARIEST dream of my life. Hope that helps. It is of more help to deal with the mechanism of how the subconscious creates fear instead of the subject matter the fear is based on. Theophobia- the irrational fear of. Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. Ombrophobia Fear of rain or of being rained on.. (Please mention the phobia name as well. If this is truly an issue with you, find someone to work with. I always found mold a bit gross but I did not want to think my room had mold in it and my sister joked about it that it was mold. Our neurology can create fears to virtually any idea, so is this possible yes. Not all fears are phobias. Fear of nobody loving you I would be really happy if you could include carpophobia since I myself are suffering from it and most people dont know what it is and often joke around with it when I tell them. (Achluophobia) A reason some people don't like being in a moving car, this phobia is concerned with the possible danger on the road. Arrhenphobia Fear of men. Like when you break them, just the thought of it gives me boosebumps. The celebrity is a person well known for his well-knownness. Doing this on your own can be quite a challenge, but working with someone who deals in changing irrational fears can beneficial. This may sound weird, but as of yesterday, Ive had a kind of pain in my eyes when thinking about bathtub faucets. I have a fear of everything thats smaller than me and can move faster than me like bugs, reptiles, amphibians, some small mammals but not dogs and cats, Since our nervous systems can fear anything imagined, not everything will have a name, since people put their own unique spin on things. Instead, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is considered a. When like I forget something so obvious or lose track of intelligent conversation or I fail a simple(thats how I see afterwards) test, I feel this discomfort on my chest. If this is an on going issue for you, then you may want to get checked for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. They may also be afraid of dirt or getting dirty, where germs might be present. If our scientists can synthesize this phobia in the lab we've got a long list of names we'd like to infect with it. Some phobias may also indicate self esteem issues, PTSD or forms of abuse. J.Roy What is mud phobia? Those were the only cracks that actually made me uncomfortable. Its an actual fear in case I fall with the drinks etc. I complained to her that why would she eat something so gross. As is evident, celebrity phobias are far and wide ranging, and one thing is clear: even the rich and the famous are not spared of fears, anxieties and insecurities. Social Phobia Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. Whether this is a phobia or something else should be determined by a professional. People try talking me into dating but i always refuse. . Can there be such a fear, of course, people can fear anything. Actually, chiclephobia seems more focused on the fact that used chewing gum is really, really gross, a resilient vector of diseases carried in the mouth. Christina Ricci is a more pure botanophobe, being perpetually creeped by "filthy" household plants. Phagophpbia is horrible. Likewise, Carmen Elektra experiences panic attacks at the sight or thought of being near water since she is not able to swim (wonder how she shot the episodes of Baywatch!). Gelotophobia Fear of being laughed at. As scary and real as this may seem to you, these types of fears can be released. It doesnt make it better that people are always demanding an answer out of me, like I dont have it. That would be very much appreciated, Fear of failure is not uncommon. Stephen Kings IT might have exacerbated the fear of clowns in the hearts and minds of Americans. She is one of sixteen people to win a Grammy, Academy, Emmy, and Tony Award. Chirophobia Fear of hands. Is there a phobia name for being picked up by someone. My guess is much of your thinking is very black and white, right and wrong and that is OK, but it can make life more challenging. Is there a name for it? Please help, The reason you are having difficulty finding the name is because the fear of rejection is just that, fear of rejection. I cant believe I didnt get arrested. what is it called? She accidentally stuck the metal hook in my ear when she went to pull some hair through the hair net and i started crying it was like a panic attack. You already know telling people to stop something is not going to change much. Coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries.. You may want to work with a professional on this if it becomes intense, Hey there! Psychophobia Fear of mind. Hoarding. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone. Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection. (Bacillophobia) I really want to know the name of this fear so I can figure out more about it and maybe know why I have it and how common it is. When I was 6, I had a very bad nightmare. Dentophobia Fear of dentists.. Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school. Some of these fears are not shared by others and most people will not have the fear you are experiencing. Is there a phobia for this: being terrified of being hurt emotionally, disliked, or displeased by your loved ones or the people you care about i.e. Scoleciphobia Fear of worms. Some of the different treatment options include therapy and medication. J Law has tripped up more times than we can remember, there was that time on the red carpet, and that other time she went to collect her Oscar. There is no way of knowing based on what you have written, however this seems important to you, so find someone to work with in your area. Ages Of Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam, Billie Eilishs Dating History: The Singer's Ex-Boyfriends From Brandon Q Adams To, Download 'B.O.T.A. Since this seems to be impacting you pretty dramatically, I would suggest you speak with a health professional in your area. Once again, we can fear anything. Algophobia Fear of pain. Koniophobia Fear of dust. It doesnt matter stranger or my own children. Mr. Widmar happily resides in Dayton, Ohio with his magnificent wife, Vicki, but is often on the road with her exploring new destinations. Atychiphobia Fear of failure. Tropophobia Fear of moving or making changes. Scopophobia or Scoptophobia Fear of being seen or stared at. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Can you please tell me if there is a phobia name for being sticky? Those are just 2 examples of many. Luckily for most of us, our life styles and ability to work through experiences negate these possibilities. When I told my friends about it and they started to scratch random things to test me, I yelled stop a million times until they actually stopped. So much so that shes even acted on her fear of flying in the past, going so far as to shout that the plane was going down whilst on a flight. I dont actually fear that these things will happen, but its almost like Im building up my pain threshold just in case. Graphophobia Fear of writing or handwriting. Some phobias are very specific and limited. Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Michael Jordan is known to be terrified of the ocean (ever since he witnessed the death of his childhood friend). You may want to work with someone to deal with this, so you can feel comfortable sharing your perspectives. Parturiphobia Fear of childbirth. Yes there can be a phobia of this nature as the mind can have a fear of almost anything, real or made up. For example, if I see a mother pushing her shopping cart and her little toddler/child is standing in the cart or leaning out while mom turned her back & is comparing apples, I need to turn away because I am starting to imagine the kid falling head first to the floor. Thats when. From . Wonderful collection. Methyphobia Fear of alcohol. You can create your own name by taking the Greek or Latin word for what you are seeking and placing phobia behind it. Teratophobia Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. Lists about phobias: the things we're scared of and why we are afraid of them. There are many things that could be happening, there is just not enough information in your message. I can imagine it being frightening not knowing what's beneath you. If you have a phobia that only shows its ugly self a few times a year, you may want to question taking meds. Your fear is a generalization and from a very unique perspective. Has your phobia improved, and if so, how? Some different rare specific phobias include spectrophobia (the fear of mirrors), chiclephobia (the fear of chewing gum), and hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (the fear of long words). Ricci is allegedly also deathly afraid of sharks. I get scared . I hate the feel of it and the only thing i can manage to touch when my hands are like that is a towel and i hav to wait until they arent wrinkly anymore. Touching wet towels that arent mine. Nudophobia Fear of nudity. While you may have fears regarding your memory, I dont think this is the real issue. Anyone know the fear of opening up to people, or the fear of people who want to be close (emotionally) with you? Pupaphobia Fear of puppets. It is how the majority of phobia names are created. Albuminurophobia Fear of kidney disease. Not all things classified as fears are phobias. Decidophobia Fear of making decisions. How do I know if I have it? I in fact love swimming and used to train to be an Olympic athlete and I dont have trouble standing in or being on top of the ocean its only when my head goes under and I see nothing. The so-called Windsor Framework will significantly slash trade red tape between Britain and the province that has been frustrating firms. Hadephobia Fear of hell. If Katie Holmes succumbs to the phobia we'll have confirmation that he's the outbreak monkey for this particular brand of crazy. Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. What should I do? I have a fear of seeming narcissistic and arrogant, so I dont like it when people complement me and I get super shy and tell them to stop . Without further information it is hard to give you a good answer. Whether other people do is a different story because they may think a fear has to be of a certain level for it to be a phobia. Maybe there is a level of uncertainty it brings up, but thats just me and I dont have all the info Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. Hello, Im trying to find a name for my phobia (idk if its even a phobia). ". Thats spiders right? Megan Fox of Transformers hates anything to do with paper, especially the sound of paper tearing, or erasing words on paper etc. Is there a fear of telling someone you dont like them back.Because Ive struggled with this forever and I havent ever turned someone down when they say they like me.It really makes me depressed cause I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.And its really effecting me in more ways than one. all the articles on this website are very much helpful to me. infestatiophobia is the name of this fear. Professionals dont need the label other than for dealing with insurance companies. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666. I forgot about it when years later I came back to jog with my friend this year and I saw the cracks and a huge wave of tension came to the side of my neck and the back of my neck. Agyrophobia Fear of streets or crossing the street. Bacon says she will leave the room if she sees any talking food on TV, especially those evil California Raisins.
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